Chapter 58: Losing Faith

Selby leaned back against the kitchen counter and watched as Tracey reached up on her tiptoes for a mug to pour him some coffee. She had put his button-less shirt on after they had spent an hour on the floor in one position or another, and now, the bottom cup of her ass cheeks poked out from under his shirt. He couldn’t stop himself from smiling as he stared, remembering how her flesh had felt in his hands and against his body. “You know you owe me a shirt.”

“A shirt? What shirt?” She turned and gave him a confused smile. “This is my shirt now.”

He laughed, his chuckle bouncing off the cabinets. “You want me to leave here half-dressed? What will your neighbors think?”

“I don’t care what they think.” Her eyes twinkled as she said it, and he knew she meant it. He doubted she ever cared what anyone thought. You cannot live your life by other people’s perceptions of what is right or wrong.