Their father dropped them back off in front of Rutherford Construction, and Faith and Cherish stood side-by-side as they watched him drive away. Faith waved and smiled, her mood lightened with the visit.
It didn’t last long, however. With Cherish around, it never did.
“What the hell did you do?” Cherish whipped around with a look as if she wanted to punch Faith and just keep swinging.
“Do? I had lunch with my father. What are you talking about?” Faith shook her head as she turned to walk back inside. She would not have a shouting match with her sister at work.
Of course, Cherish didn’t care where they were. “You let him think it’s all right for him to just up and quit his job. He’s in his late fifties for crying out loud! Do you know how hard it’ll be for him to find another job?”
“He doesn’t want another job, Cherish. He wants something different. He has a dream, and he’s chasing it. I’m not going to be the one to tell him not to go for it. He needs support, not condemnation.”