Chapter 67: Losing Faith

Selby stood by the grill, the aroma of the ribeyes mixing with the salt spray from the Atlantic. Over the sounds of Foreigner singing Jukebox Hero, he heard the girls coming through the Florida Room and onto the deck. They were laughing, so he assumed the shopping trip had cost him plenty of money.

Faith crossed the deck toward him and leaned in and kissed him as she asked how the steaks were coming along. Tracey followed her, and to his surprise, when Faith moved, she stepped in and kissed him as well. “Miss us?”

He stared, silenced by confusion for a moment. After a quick second, he said, “Always. And the steaks are almost ready. Why don’t you ladies fix yourselves some drinks, and I’ll set everything else up.”

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Faith said as she turned back toward the house.

“How about you? Need another of whatever you’re drinking?” Tracey stood with her hands in her jean pockets as she smiled at him, all innocence and sweetness.