Chapter 71: Losing Faith

Faith stared at her plate, tenderloin over noodles, and wondered why she had even ordered it. She was not in the least bit hungry. Ever since her verbal bout with Cherish, she could not shake the funk she allowed herself to slip into. Or rather that Cherish had shoved onto her. She tried her best to be civil to her sister, but she was damned if she would allow her family to continue to place her on the executioner’s block. How they lived their lives was up to them, and how she lived hers was up to her.

Well, her and Selby.

He tried his best to get her out of her sour mood, such as taking her out to eat. Even Edwin attempted to swing her back into a cheerful demeanor as well, but both had failed. She was just too tired of being blamed for the decisions of others. It seemed to be the theme of her life of late.

“Would you folks like another drink?” The waitress stood, smiling, beside their table.