Chapter 4: Here Again

Pink polka-dot umbrella in hand, I'm ready for the weather this morning. My brother said he hasn't seen this much rain in June since he moved here when I was eighteen. Here we are, six years later and I seem to be attracting storm clouds. Twice in one week, it has to be a new record. Thunder woke me before my alarm this morning and I spent the extra time searching for my rain boots. By a stroke of luck, they match my new umbrella almost as if I'd made a coordinated effort.

The bright pink boots don't fit with the business suit I have on, but there is a pair of heels in my purse for when I get to my desk. Today I'm prepared. I rock. Nothing will make me falter. I reach the lobby and see Finn as he leans with his back against the front window.

I falter.

"Good morning."

"Um, good morning. What are you doing here?" I didn't expect to see him so soon after our encounter yesterday...or ever again for that matter.

"Well, I live here so I'm allowed to loiter in the lobby, but I was also waiting for you."

Neither of us moves from our respective places as if we're both coiled snakes waiting for the other to strike first. It's preposterous so I walk a few steps closer. "For me? Why?"

He laughs at my skeptical questions. I didn't realize I was being funny. "I noticed the rain and thought I could give you a lift to work."

"Oh, well thank you, that's sweet, but you don't need to go out of your way. It's only a few blocks. I wore my boots." I stick my foot out as if he couldn't see them from across the room.

"Nonsense. Let's go. I have a car waiting out front." Finn beckons toward the front door with a hand.

"Oh I didn't know you drove. I don't even plan to attempt it. I can't deal with parking." I ramble when I get nervous. Is this nice gesture because he's a great guy or out of pity from our conversation yesterday?

"It's not mine. I'm using a company car service."

The company car service? I don't want to get Finn in trouble if he shouldn't be doing this. "Are you sure it's okay to use it for me? I'm pretty sure that's misuse of company property." Look at me putting my MBA to good use.

He laughs some more at my serious tone. "We'll be okay. The CEO set it up for me. Come on."

Finn leads me outside to a waiting black Cadillac Escalade. A tall middle-aged driver wearing a smart fitting black suit jumps from the vehicle and opens the back door for us.

"Thanks, Jake." The door closes behind Finn. Jake, our driver, returns to his seat as he asks for directions to my building. The whole affair makes me feel important. It's weird.

As the car starts to move I buckle and turn to Finn. "Thanks again. This was truly nice of you. I hope I didn't make you late for work."

"You're welcome and you're actually making me on time. I normally work from home. I haven't been to our offices in weeks."

"That must be nice. What do you do?" I guess it explains why he's always in jeans and thermal shirts. Although, he's dressed the same today, except a partially zipped blue rain parka covers his top half. From the visible jeans and sneakers, he isn't sporting a suit coat to the office today.

Finn looks hesitant and turns to the window before he answers. "It's complicated, but I help create video games for an up-and-coming design company."

The words sound rehearsed. "Is that a professional way of saying you play video games for a living?"

Finn turns back to me laughing. "It's a little more involved, but yes. How about you? What do you do at the Fisher building on Van Ness and California?" He repeats back the directions I'd given Jake moments earlier.

There is no way to make my new career in dog food sales sound exciting, so I stick with the truth. I spent four years of undergrad followed by two years in grad school and I sell dog food. I stayed close to home and picked a small school in Southern California so my student loans aren't horrendous, but I still need to pay them. I took the first job offered to me in San Francisco. I could try to spice it up, but there isn't much to get excited about.

It might not have been the most well thought out plan, but I wanted to get a start on my career and make my brother proud. He needs to know the years of sacrifice he made for me were worth it. I won't squander the opportunities I have here. Dog food or not.

Finn listens intently as I sum it up quickly for him. "I don't have a dog, but if I ever get one, I'll make sure you're the girl I come to for all his edible desires." Finn grins with his answer but sounds honest and not condescending.

Again, talking with him leaves me feeling happy and lighthearted. "I'll hold you to that Mr. —" I cut myself off as I realize I don't know Finn's last name. How did I get in a car with someone I don't have a last name for? My brother would be so disappointed.

"McRyan." He reaches out to shake my hand with exaggerated movements.

"Adams," I return.

"Aspen Adams. A nice alliteration you have there. I have some friends who would love it."

I have no idea what Finn is talking about, but I've run out of time to question him as Jake stops the Escalade in front of my building.

"We're here. Thank you for the ride, Mr. McRyan." I use my best business professional voice.

"You're welcome, Ms. Adams. If you'd like, you can give me your number. If it's still raining when you get out of work, we'll be here to pick you up."

"Oh, it's okay. I don't want to be a bother. I'll walk home." I don't want him to think I'm using him for access to a car no matter how nice it is.

"Aspen," he says on a sigh, "that was my lame attempt to get your phone number without actually asking for it. Don't turn me down in front of Jake. He'll tell everyone at the office how I was rejected."

I look up at Jake, who at the moment is starting steadfastly at the view out the front window, but his face twitches in an attempt to suppress a smile.

"Well, we don't want you to be the butt of any office jokes, now do we?" I turn back and search my purse for my pink phone before getting his contact information.