Chapter 68: The View

The dishes clank together as Trey throws my plate on top of his in the sink.

I stand from my stool and wander to his large window in the living room. "I love your place."

"Thanks, the view's better upstairs, but I think inviting you to my bedroom might be a bit presumptuous at this point in the night."

I giggle snort from nerves in the most unladylike way imaginable. Get a grip, Simone.

Trey crosses the area in the living room decreasing the distance between us. He throws his hands in the air, palms out. "I promise, no bedroom antics."

For a split second I consider asking him to describe these antics, but I can't bring myself to do it.

Trey prowls to his black leather sofa, his movements fluid like a large cat stalking its prey. I turn to keep an eye on him like you're supposed to do when faced with a predator.

He takes a seat in the middle of the sofa and turns his head in my direction with a small smile. "Unless you'd like to find out what I'd do to you on my bed."