Chapter 118: Implements of Destruction

Later in the night the new sword from Grant sparkles from its enchantments as I swing the glowing blade toward the large rat at the face of the cave. The sound of clashing metal sings through the television speakers as I step over the dead rat carcass to claim the few pieces of gold he left behind post death.

"Did Finn need to be so graphic when he designed Dragons Reborn?" I ask guiding my character farther into the cave.

"Yes. We're guys. We like the realism of dead things."

"Hey I enjoying killing stuff as much as the next player, but I don't want to step over bodies to get my loot."

I catch his headshake from the corner of my eye too worried about what else we'll find in this new cave to waste seconds looking at him. "You're such a girl, Marissa."

Narrowing my eyes at the television screen, I plot my revenge for his comment and take a swipe at his character with my sword.

"Hey!" He tries to strike back, but I'm already halfway down the cavern tunnel.