"I can't believe you took the time and materials to build your outer walls of smooth stone." Grant stops his character's movements to admire my work.
The smooth stone towering high in the sky sparkles in the light. Some people paint. I build castles in online games. It's my masterpiece. I don't mind him appreciating the work.
"Why? What's yours made from?" I've heard about this huge castle Grant and the guys are so proud of.
"Cobblestone. The building block of all good castles."
I laugh and take my character off the staircase to the second floor. "You mean the building blocks of all lazy castle builders."
"How long did it take you?"
I stop my character and bite off a piece of the turkey sandwich room service dropped off five minutes ago. "Months. Maybe longer. I made the structure out of cobblestone and then replaced each block as more smooth stone became available."