Travis rolls his eyes so hard I'm surprised they don't pop out. He's obviously on to our technique. "Yeah and then tell her how you started asking me all kinds of questions. He's prying into my business."
I want to let him get his anger out, but I also want to get snarky and remind him it's what I pay John to do. But there's a time and place for snark when you're dealing with teenagers, and right now isn't it.
"Well John is obviously concerned about you, Travis. I would have asked the same questions."
"He don't know me. When has he ever had to make a choice he didn't want?"
Ah-ha. Now we're getting somewhere. "That's probably true." I hate to distance John from this conversation, but I need to find common ground to bring Travis in the rest of the way. "You and I both know life is full of shitty choices."