Chapter 201: From Grant


Months ago, during a late-night gaming session Finn declared he'd be married to Aspen by the end of the summer, but in truth no one took him seriously. Everyone knows girls are crazy when it comes to weddings. They plan these things for months or even years, but somehow he did it. I think he felt the need to lock her down before Aspen figured out she's starting a life with a man who literally plays video games all day long. What he doesn't understand is from the way she looks at him, his woman does not care. Finn could come home and tell her he wants to start a career as a longshore fisherman and she'd help pick out a pair of waders.

I'm happy for the two of them. They make a great couple. Not as good as Clare and me, but nobody can reach our level of awesome. What other woman out there would let me play video games all evening long with her best friend and then let me fuck her before bed? My dream woman, that's who.