Chapter 11: You're not Welcome

My alarm rings before I'm ready. Probably because it goes off at six in the damn morning. Even in college I tried not to schedule my classes before ten and I sought jobs with afternoon shifts. To say I'm not a morning person is an understatement. I loathe mornings as if they were put on this earth to make my life hell. In fact, nobody has ever shown me proof they weren't made to ruin my life. I mean has anyone seen a 3 a.m.? Does it exist?

It shouldn't.

I roll off the couch and check my phone to make sure Vincent hasn't sent me any new messages throughout the night. One day with him and I'm already working on a phobia of having my phone sit too long between message checks.

Ashley sleeps soundly wrapped in my covers on my bed when I check on her. I open my squeaky closet door enough to grab a few items to wear to work. She snorts and rolls to her side as I walk out of the room.