Chapter 33: One Room?

The sky is dark outside the vehicle, meaning it has to be after nine o'clock. My cell phone died somewhere in the middle of the long contract meeting. Even though the hour is late, no stars sparkle in the sky and the area in front of the car shines brightly. We have traffic back in Lansing but nothing like Chicago. Even at this late hour the streets are alive with vehicles.

Davis pulls the car up to a curb, and a man dressed in black races out to open the door. Before we exit, Davis leans back making eye contact with Vincent.

"I'm going to meet up with my brother. I might be back later or I might crash at his place."

Vincent nods once, giving his okay, and then steps out of the car.

"See you later, Davis." In my haste to say goodbye I forget I'm pissy at every man in the world and take the valet's hand as he helps me out of the backseat.