Yet, for some reason I don't put my car back in gear and return to the highway. Instead I shut it off and sit in the driver's seat in the far corner of the Price Road park-and-ride waiting for my jerk of a boss and his driver to get here. It takes less time than I expect for the black car to stop in the open spot next to me.
Vincent gets out of the front seat and approaches and opens my door. I turn to him, the tears starting again, and wrap my arms around his middle. With heavy but safe hands, he draws me from my seat and walks me over to his. I slide into the smooth leather bench and nod once at Davis who looks at me in the rearview mirror with sad eyes.
Once the doors close, Davis starts again, and Vincent tucks me under his arm in a warm embrace unlike anything I'd expect from the man. Where's the cold heartless jerk I spoke to on the phone twenty minutes ago?
"I'm sorry I'm crying." This isn't the way a boss should see his employee. Especially my boss.