Chapter 100: Celebration Time

"How will it be a celebration if there's no alcohol?" Ashley asks.

"Because it's a sober celebration," I say emphasizing the word sober.

She whines, sitting on the couch. "It would be a lot more fun to celebrate with alcohol."

I can't disagree, but Ashley has been drinking too much lately and if staying in one time will help her, I'm willing to sacrifice. "We are going to have a lot fun."

"But, Kens, how? This is your big celebration for moving to marketing. You really need alcohol."

"We don't need alcohol." Only boring people needed liquor to make a night fun.

"How about wine then? That's a barely a liquor."

I can tell we'll argue over this for a while, so rather than spend the entire night listening to Ashley complain, I give in easily. "Fine, one glass of wine."


"I think there's a new rule in this friendship. No using your negotiating skills against me."

She laughs. "Does that mean I win? My student loans have to be good for something."