Chapter 102: Not Off to a Brilliant Start

Nothing I can do will make up for not going on another date with him. If he dislikes me for that, I guess he'll dislike me. It's his choice if he holds a grudge for the rest of his life.

I have enough boy problems. I don't need to go adding more to the mix.

With my laptop turned on, I put in the company-provided password and check the large clock on the login screen. 9:01. Already an hour into work and I've spent most of my time thinking of Vincent.

Not off to a brilliant start.

I brought nothing personal with me into work because I was constantly aware I wasn't staying as Vincent's assistant. Either I'd quit or he'd fire me. The slimmest chance went to ending up exactly where I am now. The desk outside Vincent's office was never mine. It belonged to someone else, and I was merely renting it for a short time.