Chapter 130: Worst Mother Ever

How the hell can I get through this adversity when I don't have my best friend, a pint of ice cream, and a bottle of wine to help talk me through it?


I'm already the world's worst mother because I don't even know when I got pregnant. I've definitely had more wine than any baby should be drinking. Shouldn't my body have given me a warning?

I've barely passed the Michigan border, but it seems I've been driving for days. Shouldn't I be to Florida by now? A sign for Angola, Indiana, flies by my window indicating the next exit and I consider it.

I passed the sign two miles ago and didn't give it much thought, but now I take the exit and follow the directions to the downtown area. In the middle of a small main street is a fountain with a statue of a man greeting visitors. The first empty parking space is in front of a pizzeria and I take it, coming to a stop and shutting the car off.