Chapter 323: Warrior Princess

“Jacks, you can’t go out there.” Blake’s face twisted with concern.

“He won’t come back until he finds Pierce. But he won’t find Pierce, because Pierce is here. You can’t leave Amy. I’d never even ask. And if Ned Hart won’t go out there, I have no other choice.” Her voice was deadly calm.

She grabbed her grey coat, then put it back on its hook, heading into the dining room. Blake followed. “Jackie, seriously, I don’t want you going out there.”

He grabbed her hand, stopping her. “Scott wouldn’t want you going out there.”

“He can tell me that when I find him. Can I borrow Amy’s pink parka? It’s brighter than mine, easier to see.”

Blake exhaled sharply, his tone resigned. “I’ve known you long enough to know that once you’ve set your mind on something, that’s it. At least let me put together a pack for you.”