The Diner

In the evening , Lucinda was asking the house AI Clark95 when Charles came in rushing , desperate to share the good news .

" Mom!!!!!!!!! You won't believe your ears after I tell the world's best news . " – Charles shouts in an energetic tone .

"Really ? I wonder what it is ! . "– She replies in her as usual soft tone ruflling the boy's hair .

" I am in . "– He says staring deeply into his mothers eyes , holding her hands as his eyes shine the purest emotion ever .

"Darling , I am afraid I can't understand "

" Moonlight : Fly away have accepted my resume . I'm accepted !!!!!!!!!!!! "– He shouts .

" That's a wonderful news Charles .

Wait are you serious , it is not one of your pranks right ? "

" No mom , I'm serious , I actually got the notification in my drawing class today . "

"Oh Charles , that's the best news ever . I am so proud of you , darling ! "

She looked at him for a couple of seconds with a big smile on her face .

" Doesn't this deserves a celebration then ? Clark cancle my orders please , we won't be dining home today . "

" As you wish , Mrs. Lucinda . "– An robotic voice replies to Lucinda's command .

She moves closer to Charles and holds him tightly into her arms .

" Oh Charles , I'm soo proud of you today . "

" I know mom , but can you please losen up a little bit . It's hard to breathe here ."

They both giggles a bit and she let go of him .

"Okay , so tell me , where do you wanna dine today . "

" Wel I predicted that this would happen , so I already booked a table there . "– He says while puffing his chest out a bit , making a superhero pose .

" I see what you're doing there young man . Alright , then . Let's goo!!!!!!!!".

Charles loves Asian food ( specifically Indian ) so they goes to the " Desi ( Indian term for traditional )Cuisine " . They invited Jordan and his Mom too for the Dinner , and they gladly accepted the offer .

And both the families made their way to the restaurant through a 40 minutes drive which consisted a lot of chattering .

During the drive , the mom's were busy talking about stock's , stock's, stock's and about Luthor Cops destroying the world with their dangerous machines which they call them " Gadgets to help mankind . ( Atleast what they heard )

Whereas the boy's were busy talking about all the things they could do at moonlight . All the things they always wanted to do .

Suddenly Charles made a serious face as a thought hit him hard in his mind .

" Why suddenly this face ? " – Jordan asks .

" Mmm , Don't you dare overreact but actually I was thinking , like you know we got selected , I got selected but what about Laura ?

" Oh my god , bro are you serious . "

" Be slow , would ya ? . "– Charles says while hitting Jordan with a small shoulder push .

"Don't worry " – Jordan presses a button and an transparent barrier is formed separating the front and the back part of the electric car .

" They won't hear a thing now . "

" wh---"

" Shut up dude , are you freaking insane . Like you just got the news that you got selected in the world's best institution a few hours before and apart from celebrating it , you're missing your freaking girlfriend . " – Jordan interrupts Charles and explodes at him in a sarcastic way .

"Hey she's not my girlfriend . "

" I know you and your dreams properly Mr Lucifer . " – Jordan says while pointing his index finger towards Charles chest .

" You have got it wrong Mr.Hamilton , My dreams showcase her as my wife rather than a stupid girlfriend " – Charles says , a bit shy and blushing admitting this to his best mate.

" Ohhh boyyyyy.... "

" Hehehehe"

" See I don't know what happens to you whenever I say her name or she's around . "

" Ohh it's just a love connection . You see whenever she's near me , she can't stop herself from calling me and I can't stop myself from going towards her . "

" Yeah ? You have barely even talk to her bro."

" No I've talked to her a couple of times . Like remember in 3rd standard , she asked me to pass her the register . And in 5th standard she sat with me for whole entire 20 minutes.... "

" Dude , that was her punishment actually if you forgot . You see she was talking too much so she was punished to sit with a quite child like you . "

" Really ? Then what about when she accidentally spilled my apple juice and brought me a new one . Oh gosh.....I touched her hand that time . "

" So what are you thinking now , buy a bunch of apple juice to spill it again and touch her hand . "

" Well actually I still have that apple juice can . "

" Wait what , are you serious . "–Jordan says while laughing a bit .

" Umm .... Yeah , that's what lovers do . They save each and every small moment precisely both mentally and physically . " – Charles says this while getting a soft tome into his voice .

" Well , this proves that you're mad for her bro .

" Yeap..... this proves something .

There was a knock over the barrier .

" Boys , we reached there . "– Mrs. Lucifer tells the kids .

Everybody gets down the car and the car is automatically taken away towards the parking lot .

They all sat at the table and placed their order . The order was taken by an robot looking like a man and was the same size as a normal human being .

" Why do they still have human chief's ?

" Like isn't it obvious that robots can do cooking too and probably faster then humans . "

" It is son , but the thing is a machine can never give you the satisfaction like a human can . Either it is food or business . " – Jason's mom replies to him .

" That's right Jenny ( short for Jennifer)

machines do what they are programmed to do , but a human mind works in its own different ways . We can think ourselves and do what we want to , and that's what makes us the most intelligent species of all time on Earth . "– Mrs. Lucinda replies to both Jordan and his mom .

" And if you don't know .....these robots are also created by these human brains . "– Jordan's mom adds .

Jordan wispers in Charles ears – Was it necessary ?"

"What ? "– He questions back .

" All this lecture I got here for free . "

Charles laughs slowly– " You're the one who axced his own leg .

The dinner was served and it looked really delicious .

" Jordan didn't complained about the food at all , he really enjoyed it .

" Hey ask your mom now , this is the perfect time ." – Jordan says to Charles in the middle of the dinner .

Charles nodes giving him the signal that he heard him .

" Uhhhh....Mom ?"

" Yeah dear , any problem with the food . "

" No actually I wanted to ask you that , as you know I'm 13 now and I also got admission in the moonlight , sooo...Can we go to the Turnel with Jordan ? "

" The Turnel ? "

" Yeah the VR Turnel . "

She thinks for a bit and then replies – " You're a grown up kid now and if Jordan is going , you can go too...."

" Who said Jordan is going ? " – Jordan's mom says ....

" Mommy pleaseeee let mee...look Charles is going too . "

" Ohh I see , this was your plan right . "– Misses Lucifer says .

" Noo mom , it was just a coincident , nothing else . "

Jordan's mom also thinks for a bit but at last she can't out stand both of the boy's puppy eyes .

" Okayy Jordan , you can go too . "

" Yeahhh , you heard that Charles , I'm coming too . "

They both gave each other a fist bump in excitement .

While driving their home , both fell asleep cause it was a busy day for them and one was already awaiting for them tomorrow .

Before falling asleep , Charles had forgetten about Laura for a while and they both were excitedly waiting for the next weekend .