A dream come true

The journey was finally coming to an end after all these hours of waiting . It was a long day for Charles waiting impatiently and nervously to reach there. They all didn't talked much during the journey.

And finally..... the train soon started to slow down and came to a halt within a minute . The doors of compartments revealed themselves and opened smoothly to let everyone out.

The platform is also underwater , made with glass, allowing them to see the aquatic world and with all the lighting it surely did looked sight catching.

But the moment Charles stepped down he realised that only a couple of kids were on the platform but there were a lot in the train.

" Uh..... Kelse? "– Kelsey asks.

" Only first years are here, other compartments are over us. On the surface. It's kind of a ritual here. That first years are supposed to come alone.... "– Kelsey replies suddenly.

" Okay okay that's enough! "

There were a lot of scared and confused faces along the platform.

Then a voice came out from a corner...

" Hello everybody. "– The stranger voice said.

And then a women appeared as more she was a hologram.

" Follow me, would ya? "– She says.

She starts to move along and everyone else starts to follow her. They goes through a tunnel underwater and makes it out beside a tree.

In front of the tree there was big long bridge made of polished stone. But nothing was visible after the bridge.

Some students even checked their back side to find anything.

The lady walks to the bridge entrance , everyone else follows her.

The moment she steps in front of the bridge, the invisible barrier over it opens a bit , making way for everyone to walk through.

After walking through the barrier , there came a really big building. It's shaped is irregular, more of everything, a pentagon , square, triangle and circle.

The building was coloured in clear white colour but as they started walking over the bridge, it was changing it's colours frequently. Red, yellow, green, black, blue and many more.

" The scene is amazing..... "– Jordan wispers to Charles happily.

" Yeahh, dude! "– Charles replies.

They makes their way past the front door and then to a levitating staircase.

They enters a big room with a lot of chairs. There was a bald man standing in the front of the room.

This man was black in colour and was wearing a cyan blue shirt and yellowish trousers.

" Good morning everyone!!!!! Please have a seat."– The man requests.

Everybody settles down at his command.

" My name is Remin Cliff. And congratulations to all of you.... cause you are one of the top students who are selected in our school.

As you know our institution is over 50 years old. And from the past 50 years , we've been teaching one of the worlds best people. And they bring revolution to this world. There is no place for evil here. Rules of living here are simple– study, practice and play but if you're a trouble maker, then you won't be seeing any other night over here. "– He continues"– ... "Now you'll be sorted according to your zodiac sign's and then for the next few years your friends are going to be your family. Everything else will be told by your mentors. Thank you, amigos! "

He then shatters into particles and the lady comes again.

" Hello everyone..... I didn't give you my introduction before. I am Professor Maddie Gibbons and I'll be teaching you elemental spyro dynamics. "

" That's seems a pretty interesting subject. "– Jordan says to Charles.

" It is..... it's about controlling your elemental powers. "– Kelsey replies to him.

" So now, I'll be calling your name and you'll go out of your respected door. "– Mrs Gibbons says while pointing out different doors which were named Aquarius , Aries , Leo and Taurus.

Two round flying robots comes out from both the corners of the room and prints a hologram in front of the lady printing out a list of students.

" Charlie Murphy... "– She calls out.

A small boy with round glasses comes out and goes through the Aries door.

" Ben Bones "

Another boy comes out and goes into Aquarius door.

" Susan Brown..... "

A small girl with blonde curly hairs comes out and goes through the Leo door.

" Charles Lucifer.... "

Charles slowly and scarily walks through the Aquarius door.

And soon after him, Kelsey and Jordan also goes to their respective doors.

" Hey Charles, I'm Chloe, your mentor. And I'll be giving you the tour of the institution now. "– A girl some years older than him and greets excitedly.

" Oh hey !!! "

" So let's begin, shall we? "– She says excitedly.

" Yeahh"– Charles says even more excitedly.

She starts walking and Charles joins her.

" So this campus is really huge, so you definitely need a map to move around here. And never ever try to sneak out.... for 2 reasons. 1st there are security drones and cameras all around the place , and 2nd the school is surrounded by a invisible barrier which will open for you but only at day time. Not at night time. And our Aquarius common room is over here and before entering just add your fingerprint, and voice password. And yeah every student has his own robot to help him around. "

The Aquarius common room was pretty big, covered with natural blue colours. There were chairs and some tables for writing work. There was a big round table in the center which was printing a hologram , which could be used as a television or anything.

Chloe continues.... –" All the meals of the day will be in the common dining room. And your classes will be according to your time table.... And yeah don't be late for your first day. "

" Yeah I won't..... thanks "– Charles replies happily.

" So, any questions? "

" I do have a question actually..... "

" Go on!! "

" Who is the most strict teacher in the campus ? "

" Hmmm... about that, I would suggest that stay attentive in Mrs Gibbons..... cause you might look happy and soft, apparently she is sweet but if you are late in submitting her work, then oh god

She's a total mess. "–Chloe says.

" This tip might be helpful around here. "

Charles then heads to bed.His room was a square one. With bed on one corner of the room with a small inbuilt wardrobe. The room was completely dark. And he was sure that his roommates were not yet here. There were windows all over the room and beside his bed was a small floating robot.

Charles goes to him.

" Hello there Charles... "– He says in his robotic voice.

" Hey.... what's your name bud. "– Charles questions the robot.

" Whatever you wish.... "– Robot continues.

Charles thinks for a second and then decides the perfect name for his robot ...

" Crouch!! "– He says.

" Okay I'll feed that name in my system "

" Okay sir, it's getting late , you should be heading to sleep now. "– Crouch orders him.

" Heyy..... I'm your master you not mine. "– Charles says laughing.

" Sir go to sleep..... please!!!! "– Crouch says emphasizing the word ' please '

" Yeah yeah"– Charles says laughing.

He heads to sleep then, laying in his new bed looking at the ceiling happily and excitedly thinking about his day about to come tomorrow.