chapter 10: Surprise?

The next day. Kenji woke up and was little hyped up because his grandma told him that he would have a surprise today. He got ready and reached the hall where his grandma was sitting there waithing for him.

Grandma: Ken-chan today we are going out. So pack your things, we would only come back after 1 week.

Kenji: Grandma are we going on a trip? Is everone coming?

Grandma: ...Yeah. But no, it's just us.

Kenji: Ok grandma. I'll pack my things and I'll be back.

*Kenji POV*

Me and my grandma travelled in a car and went to outskirts of Tokyo. It took us 4 hours to travel here. Then she brought me to a building which looked like a huge stadium.

Kenji: Grandma why are we here in a stadium are we going to watch a game or something?

But he looked around and saw there was no one around there. He was confused.

Grandma: No sweetie. We are here to train you how to fight with your quirk.

Kenji: But grandma what about the surprise?

Grandma: This is the surprise.

Then she opened the stadium. It was totally devoid of anything. There was nothing inside except for some crack and damage to the ground.

Kenji: huh? There is nothing in here.

Grandma: Exactly. I don't want you to burn my garden when you use your quirk. So I made an arrangement to train your quirk. You can use your quirk all you want.

Kenji: But..., Maybe it can be considered a surprise..

Grandma: Exactly its a surprise.

She was smiling devilishly. I know this smile this was the same one that she made when I mentioned about her age. Sh*t am I in trouble? But I can use my quirk now, its a totally different fight. I can regenerate fast and I can do long range, I think I can win her easily.

I also smilled in return. I was thinking about grandma's face when she admits her defeat. When I was day dreaming she knocked me on my head.

Grandma: what are you dreaming about, let's get in and start our training.

Kenji: ok grandma. But please don't knock on my head.

Grandma: Let's see.

Hmm. That's not the answer I was expecting. Anyway we went to the centre of the playground and stood 10 meters apart.

Kenji: Let's start gran...

Grandma was already in front of my face. I didn't think she was this fast when she used her quirk. I quickly made a block sice I couldn't react in time.

Her first punch was just a little bit stronger than her strongest punch with she using her quirk. We exchanged blows for a while, I started noticing the rhythm with Observation haki in which her punches and it's strength. It's increasing according to the rhythm. So this is how this works. If this is it I can easily defeat her.

When I was thinking that my grandma was ready to give me a knockout blow. I was not afraid because of my regenerative powers and decided to trade blows.

I concentrated all my strength and punched her but she just ducked out of the way and gave me a solid hit in my stomach. Ooff. It is painful. I was just thrown away 10 meters.

The moment I fall my regeneration kicks off and I felt a lot better. I better be careful and maintain a distance because I feel like grandma is dead serious.

I take a deep breath and started to runaway. I think my life is more important. Just kidding. I just wanted to create some distance between us as her quirk is a close combat effective one.

I started to transform into a phoenix and flew away. In this form my regenerative powers are enhanced, I don't feel much pain even if I get damaged and my physical powers are multipliedby 3 times. I get to weaponize my arms and legs as wings and claws. The only problem is I lack stamina to maintain it for a long time.

Thankfully I trained a lot on this and got a hang of it. I think I could hold this form for 1 hour continuously.

I started firing small fireballs (which I like to call it that way because I'm a huge fan of mages in any RPG and novels). It's not much effective as she just dodges it.

I then dived at her direction at incredible speed and swiped her with my claws. She instinctively dodged and got hold of my legs. I think I just forgot she was a CQC expert but it doesn't matter as she tried to hold me down I started to increase the intensity of my flames and she withdrew immediately.

As I was flying I sensed a danger behind me and dodged it. It was like a air bullet. I looked at my grandma and understood she is giving her all in this fight too.

My grandma's quirk is quiet trouble some to handle in drawnout battle. As her punches get twice as strong after each rebound. That's how she calls it. But there is a catch, she can't increase the power infinetly. Her body can't support that kind of stress so she has a limit. She could have multiplied her rebound to about 13 combos in her prime but now it's only about 7-8 times.

I don't know the extent of 13 times the power but at 8 times she can fire a air bullet sort of thing one which midoriya does with his finger flicks at 20%. It is strong but it is very strainful to the body and it drains her stamina.

Kenji: Grandma I think it's better to not use those kind of attacks because it puts a lot of stress physically. You should take care of your body.

Grandma: I'm still in my prime and I can do a lot better.

I really, really want to retort to her saying that 'you are way past your prime' but if I did that she would injure herself just to teach me a lesson. Ahh women are scary when you mention their age to them.

I didn't answer her anything and went in for a leg swipe again. This time she met me head on. I don't want to run away all the time. I want a head on confrontation. So we clashed and I overpowered her initially but she gained her advantage as her combo continued.

I threw a fireball right at her face but she dodged it and tried to punch my face. But I just caught her hand iny beak and threw her away. She used her quirk on her legs and did some kind of movement technique and stopped herself from falling like a ragdoll.

Then she charged at me with the help of her quirk as she can increase her power output exponentially each step. I actually admire her because these techniques are quiet difficult to develop as it was very difficult to adapt to a very drastic power increase for each step.

She didn't give me enough time to my inner monologue. She charged at me straight with full power but I just flew away from my spot. What I didn't expect was that she just catapulted herself towards me and gave me a roundhouse which I blocked but got thrown away. What do you expect from a 10 y.o. my physique is strong but not as strong as to take her head on.

I got up but I suddenly felt drained. it was only half an hour since the transformation. I didn't take the intense fight further depletes stamina into account. I undid my full transformation and maintained a half transformation state with just wings and claws.

The fight didn't last long both grandma and me got exhausted and I just fell down to the ground. I think my grandma was in a better shape as she just breathing heavily by holding her knees.

Grandma: I didn't realise your quirk is this amazing. If you have infinite stamina you would be an unbeatable monster.

Kenji: I know. My quirk is amazing right?

Grandma: Yes but I have seen a lot of works that have world defying powers. There are lot of strong people with all kinds of weird quirk. You must be careful all the time. Even Almight can be defeated if opponents have advantageous quirks.

I think my grandma is right. If all for one knows about my quirk it could get troublesome. But he is not the only threat I would face. There are plenty of strong people out there and I should be careful.