Kurt was preparing the building plan for around 30 minutes now, and it was time to begin the construction...


'I have already built 2 SOLAR COLLECTORS(MAX) to support energy consumption needed to recharge robots and to run facilities. And I think...I kinda overdid the energy production thing. So, there is no need to worry about the electricity supply, for now, I can start the construction now.'

'The most basic facilities or you can say - major requirements needed for the working of a colony establishment are:

1. Food Or Farmlands; which I think...I don't need them yet, as I'm already full of cosmic energy. Tho I do crave the street food made back on earth. I'll think about that later.

2. Extracting/Mining facilities; And it's an important piece of my plan. Though I'm buying the products directly from the system store, it's using a lot of my C.P. And to tackle this problem, I have to make self-sufficient resource mining establishments.

3. Refineries; And to use the extracted ores or other crude(raw) resources, I need to refine and process them.

4. Manufacturing Plants (Factories); And then the refined material will be melted, hardened, alloyed, and made into the desired products and materials like steel, iron items, Guns, etc.

5. Technological foundation; Which is one of the aspects used to measure the strength of a country. An advanced country with modern-day machinery and weapons can win a war with an edge even against a country with only a decade-old technology. For an army electronics technology will have the following application;

1. determination of enemy intentions, including likely location of the attack,

2.surveillance of enemy force movement,

3.recognition and identification of enemy forces.

4.guidance of weapons by intelligent seekers.

And even more. Well, it's enough for now, I can construct more types of buildings if needed.

Now let's start the show;

"System, construct 8 mining sites where the explorer robots have marked the map. Choose the places where a high abundance of iron, silver, gold, platinum, gemstones/diamonds, phosphate rocks, limestone, Bauxite(aluminum) are accumulated.

And 2 more for extracting the substances needed in only nominal quantity."

'I know copper and other shits are important but on this planet, there is only one man, also I'm not much of a fan of jewelry and shit, so to make electricity conducting wires and devices, I can use gold!.

And the other 2 mining sites will be more than enough if a little copper or any relatively unimportant stuff is required.'

[Instructions received...., commencing construction....]

[ Consuming 1 million C.P(100,000 C.P × 10 mining sites)...., 4 Million C.P left.]

Kurt didn't feel any seismic wave or tremor as he was on the 2nd top floor of his base. But looking outside the Black-shaded transparent glass pane, he was able to see the breaking of the ground and new buildings growing out of it. Dust starts to form and stones start vibrating on the ground surface.

[DING!.., Construction complete.....]

[Does the host want to deploy 2 mining-bots and one carrier-bot in each mining site?]

'WTF! Now do I have to buy 3 bots for every mining site? , man, I don't have a lot of money left, only 4 million left now.

'Hah!..., it was my mistake to not take robots into account!...

"Well, what will be the cost of around 30 robots?"

[ Host don't have to pay any price; 3 robots are offered complimentary with every mining site. ]

"I'm-I'm...touched!. System, you do care for me right?. Aww!...come on hug me!"


"Come on…, give me a hug!"

[ Host is advised to keep his sexual urges in control...]



" You son of %#%@&, ass%@%%@&&, &&$@&@%@,mother@&@%%@, %@%sucker, I'm gonna #&@% you up!. Ya, hear me?"

[...host is.....]

"Ya? tell me, what am I?"

[The host is my son...]



"Ummm, are you serious?"

[ The thing is...]

"Ya? what is it?"



[ Host anger level increased by 40%...]

[The use of a funny movie sentence from the host's memory caused unintended consequences.]

[It seems the sentence is only amusing to host if used on others, but hateful if used on himself]

[ System is apologetic for not being able to predict the adverse effect of using the movie scene from the host's memory.]

"...., so you tried to cool me down?."


"I can forgive you then, maybe....., but you are prohibited to use my memories in this way."

[Command of prohibition received.....]

[Reset complete...]

"Now then let's move on to the next part, construct 2 REFINERIES and place them at close intervals of distance among mining sites."

[ Constructing 2 REFINERIES....., Consuming 1 Million C.P(2 Refinery × 500,000 C.P)...., 3 Million C.P left.....]

[Placing them at close distance intervals among mining sites...]

And with the same tremors, 2 big buildings with several huge glass tubes, metallurgy equipment, and distillery apparatus grow out of the ground.

[Ding!, Construction complete....]

'Now I need high-grade concrete and for that..., '

"Construct a CONCRETE FACTORY, and position them between the 2 Refineries..."

[Constructing 1 CONCRETE FACTORY...., consuming 1.5 million C.P...500,000 C.P left]


[Desired placement of the factory and Construction complete!]

"Now, as for the last part- join all the buildings with roads and make a short and less time-consuming NETWORK of transportation of materials between the buildings."

[Road-network construction complete..., 150000 C.P consumed, ...350,000 C.P left]

"And make a STOREHOUSE in middle of the road network "

[Constructing WAREHOUSE(MAX).....,

Consumed 300,000 C.P....,...50,000 C.P left]

[DING!.., Construction complete.]

"Now create a 'COMPOUND' Telescope with IR(Infra-red), X-ray, laser, biosignature functionality", I'm gonna try seeing earth from here, as I can't build a spacecraft right now, as because they are literally out of my reach. I mean, did you even see the price, it's 500 million C.P, this cost is ridiculous.'

Then a message shows up;

[Not enough C.P and research data unavailable for telescope construction.]

'Ahh, man! Only 50,000 C.P left? What am I supposed to do now, wait for a mission? and what's worse is that the system is not giving me any missions to do....'

" Hey, system why don't you give me any C.P or missions and stuff, I'm broke here?" Kurt asked, expecting a complete bullshit answer, but...

[System has given 33 missions to host till now, with total reward sums up to 60 million C.P.]

[To receive the Reward and Exp, please open the notification tab.]



".... why, why didn't you tell me sooner?"

[To not disturb the host unless required, notifications are put on silent....]

[WARNING! WARNING! , host's anger reaching 80%....84%....89%.....]

[Host is advised to-]


[....Long story short - Host never asked..]



[ WARNING! WARNING!, Anger levels reaching 99%.....]

"You son of %#%@&....", and the cursing continues forever.
