It's been 2 weeks since I cleared the first floor that meant I had 2 more weeks till the boss raid that kirito was in had beaten the boss room.

Zoro:" Finally Im halfway done refining the ICHTORYU style" for the past two weeks he has been perfecting the ICHTORYU style he has been using the hts to show a holographic version of zoro using all 1 sword style moves and correcting the forms and posture and sword strikes that he preforms until he can do it without thinking.

Zoro :" Its time to start compressing my air blades"

Zoro realised that every time his swing release an air blade it's compression isn't sharp enough or powerful enough it just makes dents. So he's been working on making his compressions more accurate and effective. He is on his 3rd compression which can cut a 50 inch metal pillar from 2 km away his goal is to be able to cut a 500 inch metal pillar from 3miles away with perfect accuracy

Zoro :"this should be good enough for the time being" he says whilst his body Is drenched in sweat

Zoro was getting ready for his opportunity for himself to learn sword intent if that was possible but he also thought it would be good for himself to have at least an option for long range attacks

Zoro I :"guess I should try start my journey of finding my own path in swordsmanship because even using zoro's 1 sword style feels weird eventhough I can use it comfortably"

As zoro says this he feels like he was in a flow state he starts moving as swift as the wind and as graceful as the moonlight in a clear sky then he starts speeding up his tempo uncoordinated but neat with each sword strike as if every swing was sharp enough to cut a hill in half but only leave a deep wound if lucky because his body couldnt keep up with his nerve reactions he tryed expanding on this feeling knowing he could go further but he felt like he was missing something really important he couldnt figure it out it was in the tip of his tounge...

Zoro :"How could I forget!?" he says feeling like an absolute idiot "I've been so focused on 1 sword style and refining it and the compressions that I've forgotten that...." he says with his voice raising higher in the vast barren open field "I HAVE TWO OTHER SWORDS TO GET" he felt like an actual fool how could he forget that he had such a thing he needs done as fast as possible "I really hope I can enter that state again it felt so calming but so exhilarating like the blades were apart of me my soul my desire and my mind." "for now I guess those two forms will be my trump cards the second one for absolute emergencies" he realised eventhough his nerves could keep up his muscles and bones couldn't so if he kept continously using it the effect would be that of whitebeard's when his use of his quakes shattered and crumbled his own muscles and bones but instead it would shatter zoro's bones and rip his muscles into shreds he already knew that his virtual and normal body so he knew that he would be liable to bring paralysed(of course this doesn't count for his fights with monsters or duels)

Zoro :" what should I name my sword style and sword style?..."

Then he rememberes a specific speech from an anime that he enjoyed it was archer emiya's chant for his reality marble but he decided to

+I am the hand that grasps every sword that cracked through the intense battles or the safest of spars I have turned every blade red even one's of grass


As he said this he felt as if these words resonated with his whole exscistence

That's when 2 notification popped up from his Hts it showed

#You have achieved your way of swordsmanship a unique style of your own #

_UNLIMITED BLADE DANCE style_ has been created but due to the lack of mastery of this style it has been demoted to _LIMITED BLADE DANCE _

#Due to you showing your resolve to turn every blade in this universe to a red one u have been gifted CONQUERORS HAKI colour of a king #

when I say he passed out after receiving this notification he passed out I mean it this was not only because of the huge amount of information coming into his head but also because of the shock of acquiring the will of a king.

The most notable users of this are:

The strongest man - WHITEBEARD

The chief of the red haired pirates-AKAGAMI SHANKS

The strongest creature - KAIDO

The queen of Whole cake island - BIG MOM

The king of the pirates - GOLD D. ROGER

The most dangerous man in impel Down - DOUGLAS BULLET

The 5th emperor - MONKEY D. LUFFY

These were all big names on the list each one of them terrifying in their own respective precenses so you can see why this shocked him to this extent