Hide and Seek

I stood up and he walked me to my room. I opened the door and I saw a red queen-sized bed, black carpet. There were now windows, I guess he did not want me escaping.

"there you go, the shower is on your right." Zodof said closing the door.

I walked around the room, I felt comfortable for some reason. Suddenly the door opened, it was Karly. I was surprised.

"oh, hello Karly… I was just about to get in the shower."

"oh sorry, do you want me to leave." She said grabbing the door handle.

"no, stay… you can just sit on the bed and wait." I said nervously.

She walked over to the bed and sat down. I walked toward the shower and took off my shirt.

"oh, you have been hurt." Karly said walking over to me.

I had been whipped in the cage for talking back to the guards.

"its fine, they should heal up in a couple of days." I said turning the shower on.

"oh, do you want me to get in with you." Karly said not understanding.

"oh, no no no. you stay out there," I said closing the door.

I got undressed and jumped in the shower. The hot water on my skin felt amazing. I ran my fingers threw my hair. I looked at the bottom of the tub and it filled with mud and blood. I washed up and got out. Karly brought me a change of close. It was a pair of white socks, black silk pants, white button up shirt, and a pair of black dress shoes. I put them on, and they all fit very well. I walked out of the bathroom; Karly was laying on the bed.

"so, how do I look." I said throwing my arms up.

Karly sat up and looked at me. she got up and walked toward me and put her hand on my chest.

"you look like a new man." She said looking up at me.

I put my arms down and look down at her. Her eyes were baby blue with a splash of green. They sparkled like the stars. She stepped away.

"so, should we get going." Karly said grabbing my hand.

"where are we going." I said following her.

"Zodof wants you to meet all his Generals." She said leading me out the room.

We walked out into the front and then down this long hallway. It had pictures of Russian Generals. We continued walking until we came up to this big door. Karly knocked twice and opened it. I walked through and Zodof was sitting in the middle of this half cercle table. All around him were the Generals that were in the pictures. Zodof stood up.

"Welcome, come sit next to me." Zodof said sitting back down.

Karly left the room and closed the door. I walked around the table and sat down. My palms were sweety. I was confused and nervous all at the same time.

"This is the kid that almost killed my squad." Zodof said looking around.

"Why don't you have him changed up, are you mad." One of the Generals said

"you should have him killed." Said another General.

I was sweeting, they were going to kill me.

Zodof finally stood up and yelled.


All the Generals stopped at staired at Zodof, he sat back down and looked at me.

"you better impress these Generals, or they will have you killed." Zodof said whispering.

"get me to a shooting range ill prove my point." I whispered back.

"He will prove that he is a good shooter at our shooting range." Zodof said.

The Generals agreed, I stood up and walked out. I sighed in relief; Karly came up to me.

"how did the meeting go."

"well, my life depends on how good I shoot today." I said looking at her.

Zodof came out of the room. I asked him for some gear.

"Zodof… can I get a ghillie suite, and my rifle."

"Yes, we will get that for you right now." He said as he grabbed his phone.

He called one of his servants.

"I need you to get Kyle his ghillie suite and rifle."

He then put his phone away and turned toward me.

"they will be ready at your room."

Karly and I headed back to my room. There was a servant outside with my ghillie suit and a gun case. I grabbed them and brought them both into my room. I put the gun case on my bed next to Karly. I then put on my ghillie suite, walked over to the gun case, and opened it. There is was my rifle, my dads name carved in the stock. I grabbed it and headed out. we got outside.

"go hide and then I will bring the Generals out." Zodof said.

I went about 150 yards from the building. I hid in thick brush, I then covered myself in dry grass. I had my rifle pointed down range. Three targets; one, 300 yards. Two, 600 yards. Third, 800 yards. The Generals came out, they all lined up.

"If you find him… kill him" Zodof said.

I had my silencer on to muffle the sound, but to also decrease the movement so that it would not move the grass. The Generals were all looking out into the field. They all saw the targets.

"if he hits one of the targets a buzzer will go off." Zodof said.

They all stood quietly waiting to hear and to see movement. I took aim at the first target; this one will be easy. A light breeze came over moving the grass. Perfect moment, I held my breath and squeezed. A buzzer rang, the Generals jumped. They looked every ware, looking for movement. The breezed quit, I laid still as a stone, controlling my breathing. Taking small breaths. I do this so that my chest does not expand and create movement. I took aim at my second target, I dialed in and took my breath, let it out and hold. I squeezed, Again the sound of a buzzer rang. Zodof laughed a little.

"I knew he was good but not this good."

One last target. One of the generals was handed a rifle. He aimed it toward the field, he fired. Zodof looked away, the generals laughed. Suddenly, a buzzer rang. the generals grunted in defeat. I stood up holding my rifle in one hand. I started walking to the building. All the generals went back inside. I walked up to general Zodof.

"I thought they had killed you." He said laughing.

"the bullet was like 30 yards from me." I said taking off my ghillie suite.