Chapter 5

Through the whole in the roof, Sirius shot an arrow at the guard in the farthest corner of the room. No one noticed. Rosa was still thinking about what Brocooli had said, Bring me his head or else you don't get paid. I want proof that he's dead.

Rosa took a deep breath. Sirius had killed seven guards before the guards noticed. She was impressed. 3 more to go before we get to Julius. The guards outside were still occupied with getting the lady out of the fountain.

One of the guards pointed up to the hole in the roof. They had been spotted. Rosa looked at Sirius and they nodded towards each other and she jumped down.

She ran toward the guard who pointed at them, katana out, and ran it through his throat. The last two guards tried to shove Julius out, but Sirius hit one with an arrow and Rosa ran her katana through the last one and pinned Julius to the floor in one fluid motion.

Julius tried to scream, but Rosa slammed his face into the floor, most likely breaking his nose and definitely shutting him up. She pulled him up by his hair. His face was bloodied. "Please," he choked through a bloody mouth, "don't kill me!"

"Then what's the point of taking the contract?" Rosa asked.

"I'll do anything! Please!"



"Do you know a woman named Sabrina Felixium?" Felixium was the last name of Sabrina's husband.

"Oh, yes! Her husband is Quintus Felixium, another senator. I'm not good friends with him, but him and Aebutia Brocooli are good friends!"

"Is that so? Thank you." She slit his throat and decapitated him in one, fluid motion. Almost like she had done it before.

She looked up at Sirius, who was motioning with his hands to hurry up. The guards are coming back! She realized.

She grabbed her kunai and threw it up onto the roof. Sirius' head disappeared for a second, then he came back with a thumbs up. She began to climb. She went up one handed for a bit, then half way up, she threw the head up. Sirius caught it and she finished the climb.

After she was up, she pulled the rope up and put everything back into place. Sirius handed her the head. She could tell that he didn't like holding the head. The two ran fast to where they climbed onto the roof and jumped down.

They kept running down the street, keeping to the shadows. Rosa had blood on her armor and sword and ahead in her hand. This was a nice part of town, so it would look extra suspicious if she was spotted out in the street with bloodied clothes.

They ran into a local bath house, splitting to go into the men and women's bathroom. Fortunately, there was nobody in the women's washroom. She grabbed a complimentary towel, dipping it in the water. She took off her armor and started whipping it down, and because the blood was still fresh, it came off easily. After she finished cleaning herself and her armor off, she moved on the problem #2. The head.

She took the head and held it under water, cleaning off the face and hair. Then, she took a red towel and wrapped it around the head. This is going to look super strange… Maybe people will think it's a baby if I fold it right?

Before they went to assassinate Julius, they put extra clothes and supplies in the bathroom. She grabbed her bag that she had hidden, took out her robe and slipped it on, tying the robe belt around her. She put her armor in the bag and cleaned off her katana. She then put her katana on her hip. She was ready to go. She put her bag on her shoulder, grabbed the head, and walked out.