Found out

30 minutes ago

'Bye Ari', Liz said after dropping her best friend at home somehow Liz was feeling that something was very wrong, but she just thought of it as it was nothing 'bye Liz drive safe back home and don't be late tomorrow ' Ari said waving at her best friend before she started driving off. Arianna still couldn't shake the feeling that Xander gave her earlier, the feeling that she was tied to him, and she couldn't leave. She knew who Xander del Rossi was she's heard a lot of rumors about him how he owns illegal businesses and might kill you if you get on his bad side. Arianna was outside of her house thinking about the man she had met earlier that she totally forgot the time but at the same time someone was outside the window glaring holes at her 'so you have finally decided to come home did you enjoy staying out at boys house in the night ' Arianna immediately turned around to see her father extremely angry you could clearly see his veins popping out ' I can explain it wasn't .... before she could even finish, she received a hard slap on her face and her hair was being pulled inside the house, he threw her harshly on the cold floor and started kicking her stomach. Arianna couldn't explain why she was late to her father because he didn't give her a chance to tell him why she was late. her father got tired of kicking her tummy, so he took out his belt from his trousers and started hitting her with it. with every hit that landed on her body Arianna screamed out loud and that scream got the attention of the one outside of their house. Arianna's father was too busy with hitting her that he didn't notice that Arianna was no longer screaming out loud due to her old injuries and the new ones she passed out. Arianna's father Diego was really angry but it wasn't because Arianna came home late it was because he doesn't have enough money to buy alcohol and gamble so he can only take his anger in Arianna for coming home late he doesn't care about what Arianna does as long as none finds out he abuses her.