013 Kage summit. (edited)

Kuro was sleeping through the night after a long days work digging from the ocean to Sunagakure. His dreams have been filled with visions. Visions of a sleeping woman in a white kimono. Over the past few days he tried talking to her, to no avail. It seemed she wasn't able to talk just yet. Over the past three weeks during his sleep, he would visit kaguya, talk to her a little, and then sit next to her until he wakes up. He hoped that one day she would talk to him. The warmth of his body against hers in the dreamland helped fix her broken mind bit by bit. Its nowhere near anything that can be called a semblance of a sane mind. But it is a little better than it was before. She now has a few thoughts mixed in with the rest that aren't about revenge, and taking back the chakra she gave away.

(A.n i'm not so good at writing this type of stuff so i'm going to use BULLSHIT NO JUTSU and write it so that the more He visits kaguya, the better her mind becomes. I want rokuro to become the pillar that supports kaguya and vice versa.)

I woke up to the sound of a damp cave, crackling fire, and my summon sitting next to me. I didn't have any blankets so the warmth coming from her was very nice during my stay in the cold cave. I figure i'm close to the village but i don't know how close. The last time i dug to the surface was when i was closer to the ocean so i could get a general direction of where im going.

'Hey, I think i have a name for you' i tell the fearsome summon sitting next to me.

[Mm? What would this name you have for me be?] {What about my name}

'How does Omonari sound? I like the name because its easy to say and its catchy'

[I like this name. I like the way it sounds. Very well, my name henceforth shall be Omonari.]

We sit in silence for a while i hop up.

'Ok', I point to the male creature. 'From now on you shall be known as Nobuo.'

(Nobuo is {} You wont see much of nobuo because he wanders off a lot and just does his own thing until he is summoned)

(Omonari is [] Omonari will normally stick with the mc like glue, following him everywhere.)

'Alright Omonari! Nobuo Ill go get some breakfast!' I ran out of rations about a week ago and have been living off the ocean. I dive into the water after using a neat little trick i made. I shroud myself in chakra making it not only, easier to see, it also makes it so i can breathe longer and move faster.

(A.N one of my readers suggested this and i thought it was a good idea, i wanted to go back and give credit but i cant find the comment.)

I need to stay vigilant. While catching fish isn't the hardest thing to do, there certainly are a lot bigger things in this ocean and i've been attacked by a few of them. I see a small tail move a little bit in the murky water. I swim off towards it as fast as i can to catch myself and Omo some breakfast i catch up to the fish and realize, 'Shit, this is a helluva lot bigger then i originally thought it was. This isn't going to be easy to drag it all the way back to the cave It's a little bigger than me! The fish looks at me and tries to flap its big ass fins to swim away but i grab onto its powerful tail fin like a vice grip. I refuse to let go, and it refuses to be eaten. So starts the long ass process of me dragging it to the cave, it dragging me away, and so on and so forth. Eventually i make it to the cave and throw the fish onto the air pocket i made so i could keep digging. I take a deep breath and see Omo looking at me amusedly

(A.N no he did not go out to the ocean, he was on his way, but there was a fish in the tunnel and that's why this wasn't a longer trip)

At least i brought my bag of basic spices to cook with. After having breakfast i get up and prepare to continue digging. I want to finish this tunnel within the next two days, so i can relax before the kage summit. So starts the process of digging, digging, and digging some more. I'm glad that i'm deep enough under the ocean that its rock and not sand. Otherwise this would have been a river, and not an underground water supply.

--That night in his dreams--

"Hello Kaguya how are you doing during this fine evening." i say as i cozy up right next to her. She doesn't say anything in response. I freeze as i feel her arms wrap around my chest. Hugging me from behind. We just sit there for a little bit. With me sitting in her lap. Normally i would just sit next to her but she moved me to be in her lap. With her size, she dwarfed me. Now don't get me wrong. I'm a little over six feet tall, but she is huge.

(A.N im sure some of you will misunderstand. They are not dating yet, im not forcing the romance, (well i am, but thats not important right now) this is just Kaguya hugging Kuro because he has been there for the past couple of weeks when she was extremely lonely. She knows that nothing can hurt her in her dreams so she was fine with rokuro coming and sitting next to her. And he brought her out of her crazed stupor (Still in progress) enough for her to realize she is lonely and wants affection. I dunno, if you guys dont like the hug then ill change it, i figured it was appropriate because she has been alone for the past couple centuries (i think? im not too sure about how many years was between kaguya and naruto) so chillax any of you who might be thinking of typing an angry comment please oh and btw the dreamland is basically what hagoromo pulled naruto and sasuke in. but its not a sewer.)

I can feel my body waking up. i try to move but she doesn't want to let me go. "Kaguya. I need to go okay? ill be back tonight though and we can continue sitting just like this." She looks at me, and reluctantly lets go. She doesn't want the source of warmth, happiness, and affection to leave. "I promise ill be back tonight"

I wake up in the cave again. I decide to skip breakfast and just finish the job. The village is in sight but now i simply need to dig to where the well is going to be. Digging, digging, and digging some more, and i finally make it to the area where the well is marked. Its not exact, but it should be fine.

(A.N. HYAH! BULLSHIT NO JUTSU! Water can now be purified with chakra)

I head on up to the Gaara's office with Omonari sitting on my shoulder in her housecat size.

*Knock* *Knock* "Come in"

"Hello~ Kazekage-sama~~"

"Ah Kuro, Your back. Good just in time too. I take it your done with the tunnel?" He still hasn't looked up from his paperwork.

"Yup i got the tunnel all the way to the marked area."

He looks up and freezes


"Yes Gaara?"

"What is on your shoulder?"

"Ah! This is Omonari. I found her summoning contract in a cave deep under the ocean. And now she is my summon"

"Ah that explains it."

Gaara looks at me slyly. "Kuro, You should make Cookies. And we will eat them on the way to the summit. But do rest for the next day then we will depart for the summit"


Ok its time to make some cookies. I haven't used my kagune in awhile lets use that.

'Ok Omonari. You ready to try some cookies?'

[What is cookie?]

'No, its a cookie. Its a snack. Don't worry i'm sure you will like the taste.'

Alright smack that dough! *Smack* Lets roll this shit into some cookies. Add the chocolate chips and bake! I wait for 15-20 minutes and set the cookies out to cool down. After they have cooled down i give one to Omo. She nibbles a little bit but then chomps on the cookie.

[That was very good can i have another?] She asks. She is trying to act dignified but i can see that same glint in her eyes that gaara has. The glint of "I NEED MORE!" I give her another cookie but then i put the rest in the jar. And go to sleep.

--Kaguya Pov--

I wonder if that strange human will come back tonight? I enjoy his presence more than ill admit. I love the affection he gives me. It makes me feel warm inside and that feeling is one i want to feel till the end of my days. As i'm waiting i hear his voice. "Kaguya~ i'm back~!" This brings me joy. He is back! I wont have to be so lonely anymore. I look at him expectantly and sure enough, he comes and sits in my lap like he did yesterday. I hug him from behind and i'm content to just sit like this. forever. Basking in the warmth and happiness he gives me. But this time, theres something different. I look towards the door and i see the little creature from when i was unsealed at the door! It's been so long since i've been able to feel or think anything besides the rage i felt when my sons betrayed me. It's been so long i forgot its name. I hear the human say "Ah! Kaguya thats Omonari. I found her summoning contract in a cave deep under the sea. The first name on it was your name which allowed me to be here in your dreams." So that's how he is able to be in here with me. "Come to think of it i completely forgot to introduce myself to you. My name is Rokuro. You Can call me Kuro"

(A.N SHIT! i just realized as im writing this, to unseal kaguya you need the juubi and to get the juubi you need the tailed beasts. And gaara still has shukaku. Ok then BULLSHIT NO JUTSU! Since this is an AU universe of naruto i make the rules here. Im going to say that the akatsuki only need Some chakra from each tailed beast to revive the juubi. ( of course its still alot of chakra, but gaara wont need to be kidnapped and die.) and the tailed beasts wont need to be absorbed either. I've always had a soft spot for the tailed beasts. So from now on when fighting a jinchuuriki they release tailed beast chakra which the akatsuki can collect to put it into the gedo mazo statue. Im sure some of you wont be happy about this but if yall have any better ideas then im all ears. I would have just had rokuro be defeated and had gaara taken and have chiyo sacrifice her life but i like the tailed beasts so i wont do that.)

"Ok Kaguya, i need to go, i will meet you as soon as i can but right now i have some important stuff to to"

Tch, My time is up already? Oh well, ill see him soon.


Alright its time for the kage summit. I get up and do all the necessary things one needs to do come early morning. On my way out i grab my bag and the jar of cookies along with a few rations. I see gaara standing at the gate. It's just me and gaara going i guess. I don't see any anbu or anything. We leave for the kage summit and make it there without any trouble. Theres still half a day till the meeting so ill just chill until it happens.

--Meeting time--

I'm standing in the shadows behind gaara. Waiting for Obito to attack. The Kages are discussing and getting angry at the threats when finally Obito shows up and declares war on the nations. This is an amazing chance for Omonari and nobuo to get his intangibility. I rush forward when i see him reach for gaara I rip gaara out of the way. Just in time for obito to miss his chance to grab him. I send out a pulse of chakra to find out if there is anymore akatsuki members out there to capture gaara. There are three more! From the looks of their chakra signatures, Its Sasori, Kisame, and a Reanimated nagato? Already?? Shit!

"Kuchiyose no jutsu!" i yell out and nobuo appears.

I pull out my sword "Annihilate and Rehabilitate Ouroboros!" I scream out as the sinister chakra envelopes me.

'Omonari, Nobuo! Try and absorb the intangibility of the guy in the orange mask. After you do help me protect gaara!


Yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet