019: Saving the Tailed beasts

"Gaara. I need to leave. There is something out there that will help us immensely in the war. I will leave my clones here to help you, Half of my chakra has been split into This clone, but i need to go. There is something coming and i need to stop it or we will be decimated in this war."

"I understand kuro. As long as you know what you're doing, i trust you. Just make sure to come back because we need you in this war."

"You got it boss i'll be back within the week."

I run off leaving my clones to study fuinjutsu. See now is where i am stumped. Where the hell is the gedo mazo statue. Madara summoned it from the moon when he awoke his rinnegan. But the question is, where is it now? I plop down in the grass. I focus most of my chakra into a ball infront of my lungs leaving just enough to not suffer from chakra exhaustion. I let it burst, sending out a chakra pulse that scours the elemental nations, running across the land looking for the gedo mazo statue like a hungry beast looking for water. Now mind you, this was a-lot of chakra. I have so much chakra that i can do things like sending a pulse of chakra throughout the entirety of the elemental nations. To everyone, it just feels like a light breeze passing by.

To those who know me, and my technique, then they know im scouring the land for something. It takes about a day for the pulse to go through the entire continent and islands, but it was worth it. I found the gedo mazo statue and locked on to it! Most would have figured the statue was hidden in pain's base in the hidden village of rain. But no, its the opposite. Its hidden in the Hidden moon village. Kind of ironic but oh well. Its pretty far away and im sure obito has felt my chakra pulse. I am unsure if he knows im looking for it, but i have locked on to it. No matter where you move it, i will find it.

(Map image here.)

Right now we are close to the Hidden haze village. Up in-between Wind country, and Earth country. I'm pretty far away. Well, time to start haulin ass. I eat a chakra pill so i can regain enough chakra to spam sonido. I'm sure i can make it to the land of tea by night fall if i continuously use sonido.

-The land of tea-

Its night time and i'm staying in a small local inn at degarashi port. I go to sleep so i can see kaguya.

I plop in her lap and just sit there. Thinking about how i am going to explain kaguya to hagoromo and the rest of the ASF.

"Kaguya? Once You are revived, Will you go on a date with me?"

"Date? What is a date?"

"Ah, A date is when two people go eat food and have fun together so they can get closer to each-other. Its like the step before becoming lovers."

Kaguya gets a small tint of pink on her cheeks at the mention of the word ''lovers'' she may be a Rabbit moon goddess, but she is still inexperienced when it comes to these things.

"Yes Kuro, I will go on a date with you."

This brings a smile to my face as i say nothing. I just bury myself into her lap even more than i already was. I put a blanket over us and quickly fall asleep.

(A.N Was this too fast of a progression? I'm Honestly ready to be done with the naruto world and move onto the next, ill only stay here for boruto if you guys want it.)

-Next morning-

I wake up and groan. My cuddle time with kaguya feels like it was ended short. But i'm a man on a mission, I need to save the tailed beasts. Leaving enough chakra to avoid suspicion and revive kaguya. About 9 hours later i arrive in the land of moon. I just need to find the base entrance now. Shouldn't be too hard.

An hour later and i still haven't found it. Though, i'm not using chakra pulses, and im suppressing my own chakra so i don't alert obito. That is, if he is even here. I'm unfortunately, not a natural chakra sensor, so it's rather hard to find things.

Finally! After four hours of looking i found the entrance. It wasn't on the island! It was in the island, in a cave deep, deep underwater. I sneak my way in. Suppressing my chakra and holding my breath. I'd use my chakra cloak to breathe underwater but that would be a beacon to my presence. Now the hardest part. Getting my soul into the gedo mazo statue, leaving a way out, and convincing the tailed beasts to come with me. Though, i could lie and say they need to sacrifice some chakra to leave. Yeah, I think ill do that, Kurama isn't there to sniff out my lies so it should be fine.

I hollowfy, and make a small orb of chakra. I send it into the gedo statues mouth. Feeling around i can feel the spirits of the beasts.

A piece of shukaku's chakra,



Son goku,




And a piece of Gyuki's chakra.

The only one they dont have is kurama, but ill make sure he only sacrifices a portion of his chakra.

I latch onto the tailed beasts with my chakra. I can feel the gedo mazo rejecting my chakra. It doesn't like the sinister feeling my chakra gives off. I start pulling with all i've got! So begins the tug of war game with a god. Back and forth, Back and forth. After about 30 minutes of tug of war, I pull the tailed beasts out but not before sacrificing just a tails worth of chakra. They will regenerate it later, but right now they are weaker than they used to be. The Gedo mazo statue lost the game. But i left it with enough to revive kaguya.

The tailed beasts heard me say, 'Sorry guys, i know you hate being sealed, and i know your probably upset at me for sacrificing some of your chakra, but i need to get you out of here, and fool your captor into thinking you're still in there. I understand you probably hate humans, but please, bear with me. I wont ask you to lend me your power, i wont ask you to be sealed inside of me, But for now, can you please sit inside of my head and wait for me to get away so i can free you?

(A.N im going to make it so that the tailed beasts can inhabit a persons mind should they choose to do so, But they need to be willing to do that to sit inside of a persons head. No obito cannot summon them from outside the statue. Obito will notice that the tailed beasts aren't in the statue but there is still chakra, but ty that time they will be hidden, Im pretty sure he could only do that when he had full control of the tailed beast in the gedo mazo statue.)

The tailed beasts nod their heads and i can feel their chakra enter my mind.

Alrighty then, we are ready to go. I slowly make my way out of the cave, watching every single corner to see if obito is there. Luckily, i get out with no problems.

'Alright guys, im going to take you to a safe place to hide for the war. I understand that your powerful, but the people we are fighting against in this war have the power to control you. And that's not good so i need to hide you. Anyone have any ideas?'

Matatabi: "What about mount myoboku?"

Kuro: "No, if you spend enough time you will be found. I need something hidden from the rest of the world. Ah i got it!"

"Kuchiyose no jutsu!"

[I'm Here kuro]

'Good, Omonari, is there a place that you know where i can hide the tailed beasts from the rest of the world until the war is over?'

[Let me think. The flying turtle palace hidden in the sky. They know me, and will help you if i ask. There is a portal to their palace within the hokubu ocean that will teleport you to their palace above the Nanmen ocean. The palace is hidden by air currents that have turned dense enough to block the sight around the palace.]

(A.N No the turtles do not fly. Just the palace they live in. Like seriously, who would expect turtles to be hidden in a palace in the sky. If you look at the map from before (i posted it on this chapter too) you will see where i am talking about.)

'Good we will go there.'

-three days of swimming later-

'Ok omonari, we are in the Hokubu ocean. Take me to the portal.'

She proceeds to lead me to the ocean floor. By the edge of the Hokubu sea. And then i see it. A small hole with a whirl pool type thing sucking down into a cave.

'Is that the portal?'

[No, it is the entrance to the portal. That whirlpool is the greatest protection of the turtles. It keeps out anyone who has selfish reasons for seeking out the turtles, only those who the whirlpool deems worthy, and selfless, may enter.]

'Well, i am in no way selfless, but i do have a selfless reason, should be good enough.'

I swim into the whirl pool without hesitation. Expecting some form of resistance i tense up. Nothing happens. Opening my eyes, and see an underwater cave with a whirlpool above me. Omonari beside me, and a lit up pathway to a white marble portal with weird engravings on it. A blue portal in the center. I rush into the portal as i'm running out of time. I need to get back to gaara. He needs my help!

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ok guys, tell me, too much bullshit? I have seen many creatures in naruto fanfics, but i havent seen turtles yet. I might release another chapter today, if i have time. Seeya!