023: Kuro V Juubito.

Ayo i want to get done with then narutoverse within the next 1-2 chapters. Im honestly kind of burnt out on it, its just cause my mind has moved on to harry potter and all the ideas i have for that World. I wont skimp on these next three chapters though. Ill try to make them better. Btw shit is gonna be different from canon. There isnt gonna be any excess history, or anything like that.


I have sufficiently taunted obito. So now the plan is to fight Juubito, fuck his entire day up, Have the juubi Released, Get madara to absorb the juubi, Fight Juubira, Revive kaguya, and live happily ever after.

I deactivate my Seguna Ressureccion as i want to save chakra and i don't need it for obito anyways. Ill save that for madara.

"Ah, Damn, you went from ugly, to uglier."

Obito's scowl deepens. He looks furious. Mission Accomplished. Now that he is mad, he will make rookie mistakes.

Obito makes a mad dash towards me trying to attack me with his truth seeking staff.

I pull out Ouroboros which has transformed into an axe-sword. See normally, when Arrancars transform, they re-combine with their swords, which is just their power in sealed form. I simply just took my sword out of my soul so i could use it while transformed.

-Picture here-

Hmm, I know only one word fitting for this. I slam my sword into obito's staff sending him flying backwards. "Yeet!" Ah yes, a classic. I sonido towards obito and stab at his chest. I understand that only senjutsu can truly hurt him, but i'm having fun smacking him around every few seconds. I might not be able to pierce his skin, or cause him any sharp pains, but i sure as hell can knock the wind out of him.

He keeps coming back for more, while i'm pretty much dancing. Every time he comes back i hit him in some new creative way that knocks the wind out of him. Slamming him into the ground, Kicking him in the face, Punching him where his lungs would be. Over and over. I think the Juubi may be mind-fucking him right now, because obito in canon was smarter than this.

(A.N The way i see Juubi healing is, the juubi heals the damage to you as you're getting hit leading to no effect. But kuro has enough force behind his punches to cause enough harm for there to be pain but the juubi heals it a couple seconds later. So kuro can cause pain to obito but not any actual damage, without sage mode.Then you get sage mode damage, which the juubi can only heal slower as the nature energy is interfering with its healing.)

He, or more precisely the juubi, is getting angrier, and angrier, while im just having a good time. I'm pretty sure the juubi is in control right now, as in canon, he was calm when he became juubito, but now, he is overly pissed and angry. All i need to do is get obito to be angry enough to release the Juubi, and then get naruto to Talk no Jutsu the everloving fuck out of him.

"Alright well, its time for a good dose of bodily harm." i say as i enter sage mode.

Obito is in a frenzy now. He doesn't have control over the juubi chakra anymore. This is my chance. He is attacking left and right with everything he has. Meanwhile i'm making him angrier and angrier by dodging every attack he throws at me, except a few occasional blows, and attacking back.

*Psh* *Psh* *Psh* *Boom!*

I grab obito and slam him into the ground. He flies back up and decks me hard in the face.

I notice gaara run over to where naruto and I are after he helped the ASF evacuate.

"Naruto! Gaara! He doesn't Have control over the Juubi's chakra anymore! Help me rip the ten tails out of him!"

"Right!" Naruto and gaara say.

I jump at obito Pushing him down to the ground. Chakra rods seep out of my arms and bind his arms and legs down. I coat my hand in hollowfied sage chakra, and shove it into his stomach. Naruto and gaara grab my shoulders to help me pull out the ten tails.

I'm pulling with all ive got, ripping this much chakra out of someone is really no joke! Its a struggling game of tug of war. It was nowhere near as easy as they made it seem in the anime. Meanwhile naruto is inside obito's mindscape talk no justuing the fuck out of him and gaara is using his chakra to fuel mine and help me pull. After about fifteen minutes of pulling i finally feel a release and the chakra comes out much easier. Though, a-lot of my chakra was lost in the pulling. I don't have enough chakra to enter segunda ressureccion anymore.

I need a break dammit! I dont have bullshit mc levels of chakra! My chakra stat is at 115 while Naruto's would be at like 245.

After pulling the Juubi out i plop down on my ass. I pull out a scroll and pop a chakra pill. I really need to get me a fuckin assimilation skill. One that allows me to absorb chakra. Shoulda done it before the damn war.

I look back to see black zetsu take over obito and perform the Art of Rinne rebirth. Successfully reviving madara.

Madara laughs and exclaims: "Its not a battle with out my heart pumping and my blood running!"

Madara instantly goes to fight the small bits of tailed beast chakra but i force myself up and stop him. Madara has a monologue that i don't bother to listen to but i see white zetsu give madara a rinnegan. He laughs again and says something about the thrill of battle. Meanwhile obito is struggling against black zetsu trying to take the rinnegan.

(A.N for plot sake im going to say that enough chakra was sealed to form a somewhat sentient tailed beast. But the only actual tailed beasts that are here are shukaku, gyuki, and kurama.

I hear madara yell "Kuchiyose no jutsu!" and summon the gedo mazo statue. The statue wraps its chains around all of the Tailed beast fragments. I am unsure if madara knows that the tailed beasts are fragments, or if he doesn't care.

I see a chain go for gaara. "Oh shit he definitely knows!" I jump infront of gaara and make a nature energy barrier. The chain smashes against the barrier and fails to reach gaara. I summon Omonari and Nobuo. "Get gaara out of here now! Madara is after him!"

'Take him to turtle palace and make sure he doesn't leave! We need him to stay safe so madara cant take shukaku from him!'

{Right!] They both say.

Gaara tries to protest but omonari and nobuo trap him in a barrier and haul him off before he can say anything.

I see more chains go towards the other fragments Two three four five six and seven and pull them in. I make a barrier infront of gyuki but i fail to get to kurama in time. He starts dragging kurama into the gedo mazo statue but i chop off some of the chakra with my own so he cant fully drag him in. The gedo statue now has chakra from all nine tailed beasts. I see sasuke try to stab madara futilely only to get stabbed himself. Madara jumps down from the gedo mazo statue and absorbs it. Turning himself into the Jinchuuriki of the ten tails.


Sorry guys its a small bit rushed but i gotta go out to dinner with family and its gonna be late when i get back. So i rushed a bit.