024: Acceptance & Harry potter.

Ayo i'm sorry, i wanted to update early this morning but i was busy today with taking care of sheep and chickens. Thankyou for understanding.


"Mother i am sorry. I shouldn't have sealed you away without hearing your side of the story first."


I can feel Kaguya's anger spike so i start rubbing soothing circles in her back while i am hugging her. She looks at me and i give her a warm smile as if to say "Everything will be alright"

Her anger calms down but she still refuses to talk to hagoromo. Understandable. I mean, i wouldn't be willing to talk to the person who sealed me away for hundreds of years.

--Quest Fight in the war and win!--

The world is at stake right now so you must win!


-Fight until you cant anymore

-Stop as many deaths as you can!

-Save kaguya from being resealed!

Optional objectives(for extra rewards)

-Save Neji hyuuga from death

-Save Obito uchiha from death

-Save Inoichi Yamanaka from death

-Save Shikaku Nara from death.

-Stop maito guy from being paralyzed after using all eight gates and surviving.

Reward: Title: The one loved by the world.(grants some varied benefits)

Completing all Optional objectives reward: Mystic eyes of death perception and ???

Accept rewards? Y/N


Rewards gained:

Title: The one loved by the world.

Mystic eyes of death perception.

Multiverse Travel

(A.N i updated the quest once again as i forgot to put the Multiverse travel in it.)

Title: The one loved by the world.

A title granted to the one whom the world sees as its 'Child' This grants you Nature release the ability to bend any and all things nature. Nature itself wishes for you to command it. It wishes to bend to your will.

Mystic eyes of death perception: These eyes allow you to see the 'death' of everything. When using these eyes the user will see Death lines on how to basically erase anything and anyone from existence.

Multiverse travel: Self explanatory. You have unlocked a system function which allows you and your loved ones to travel through the multiverse. Traveling to a different world will dilate the time of the worlds you go to. If you leave this world and go to another for twelve years, you will be gone for six months here.

Fuckin sweet! This is badass! I look up to see everyone just looking awkward that kaguya wasn't who they thought she was. I grab kaguya's hand and go to find gaara. I want to go home and relax. After which i think ill take gaara and kaguya to the world of harry potter, and maybe take kaguya on a few dates.

"I'll leave you guys to whatever you're going to do. But i am going to go find gaara, and go home for some much needed rest and relaxation. Seeya!" Hagoromo looks like he wants to protest a bit but one glare from my Death eyes shuts him up.

(A.N "Death eyes" sounds a bit edgy but thats essentially what they are and I dont wanna write "Mystic eyes of Death perception" everytime kuro uses them.)

After flying for a bit with kaguya i finally find gaara. He floats up to me on his sand. He gathers up all the sand shinobi and orders them back to the village.

"Home sweet home." i say to kaguya with a smile as we walk into my house. She smiles right back.

"Kaguya, would you like to go to a different world with me? One without chakra. It still has fighting, but its less dangerous than here, and we can learn so many new things."

Kaguya ponders this for a few moments, and Ultimately says yes. Fuck yeah! Kaguya waifu for the win! Now all thats left is to convince gaara.

--The next day--

I go to kazekage tower to find gaara.

"Gaara!" I say as i enter his office.

"Yes Kuro?"

"What would you say if i told you i recently found a jutsu that allowed me to go to another world and bring a few people with me? Would you come with me?"

Gaara narrows his eyes. "This isn't hypothetical is it?"

I say with a big grin "Nope"

Gaara trusts me and is more loyal to me a whole lot more than the village. "I'd go with you to make sure you didn't get yourself in big trouble." he says with a sigh. "Though, if we are doing this, you'll need to give me a month to get my shit ready, and make kankuro kazekage."

"You got it!" i say as i run out of the office very excited.

(A.N skippin this BS)

A month later and kankuro is kazekage.

I walk out with kaguya whom i have become much much closer with. Pretty much inseparable now.

(A.N do not worry your pretty little heads, i will show relationship progression in harry potter)

Gaara meets us halfway into the desert.

"Kuchiyose no jutsu!" I say as i summon Omonari and Nobuo. I am in no way leaving them behind.

Kaguya and gaara grab onto my shoulders with one hand and another on omo and nobuo.



'Harry potter'


A black sphere suddenly appeared. It started growing in size and collapsing in on itself before finally stopping and stabilizing. The sphere engulfed us as we were teleported. It wasn't as bad as i thought it would be though. It was like that flippy feeling in your stomach when you're on a roller coaster.

After about a minute of stomach-churning movements it finally stops. We all open our eyes to a a forest. Pretty cliché to land in a forest but its a good place to land in. I look at myself, kaguya, and gaara, and we all look around 10-11 years old. Perfect age to be in harry potter. I think we will be getting our letters soon, but first things first, finding out where the fuck we are. Time for some good ol' ninja espionage.

(A.N no mc will not follow harry around like a puppy. But he wont avoid him like a plague either. They will be friends and kuro will help Harry out. Dumbledore will not be evil or manipulative in this fic. He was just negligent with harry but will otherwise be a good headmaster.)

Kaguya doesn't have any horns so she isn't affected by the chakra fruit this point in time. I wonder if she will automatically go into that form once she is of age or not.

"Kaguya, Gaara, i have no clue where we are, but i have an idea of which world. When we teleported here i got some basic information implanted into my head. So right now i need you guys to explore. Look around the forest, memorize any noticeable landmarks. Try to stay on the downlow but if you're attacked you can use any force necessary to protect yourself. Your safety is of a higher priority than being discreet."

They nod and i start jumping up the tree closest to me. Getting a look around i see the forest we are in and more forest behind us. To the north there is a small towm. It looks elvish in nature, with houses and buildings built into the trees, with a large waterfall under it.

(A.N no they are not raised by elves, thats just how the town looks)

(image here)

I hop back down and see gaara and kaguya waiting for me.

"Kuro i feel an unknown energy in my body. Kaguya said she did too."

"Ah that. I feel it too. From the information i was given this is what is called "Mana" it is whats used to perform this worlds Magic."

"Magic?" Kaguya questions.

"Yeah, they are this worlds jutsu but they require wands to perform magic. Since you feel that energy it means we are "wizards". Wands are little sticks that help wizards focus their "Mana" into spells that can do hundreds of different things. Its just as versatile as chakra, if not as combat-focused"

I take the next three hours explaining the basics of this world and sorting through the information i was given. I told them about magic, technology, laws, etc.

"Alright, we have a couple orders of business. Right now we need to get home. From the info in my head, we have parents that allowed us to play in the forest. Our houses should be pretty close to here."

Walking out of the forest i get a closer look at the Village. It's amazing. Probably one of the most beautiful sights i've ever seen in my life. I walk to the house that i know is mine, which is right next to Kaguya's and across from Gaaras. We all go our separate ways, but still prepared for anything. I walk into 'My house' and see 'my mother' reading a book while 'my father' is cooking. He has always loved cooking for the family. It was one of his few passions.

My mother looks up from her book and smiles when she sees me. "Ah Kuro You're home. Come give me a hug." she says warmly.

I walk over to her and give her a hug reluctantly though i don't let it show. It feels rather surreal to have parents after so long. I'm sure Gaara and Kaguya feel the same.

"You got your Hogwarts letter today! I'm sure Gaara and Kaguya got theirs too!"

I nod and walk over to the table. I see that crisp yellowy paper with the blood-red wax seal. Breaking the seal i open the envelope and read its contents.


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledeore.

Order of merlin, First class Grand Sorcerer, Chief Warlock, Supreme Mugwump International Confed of Wizards

Dear Rokuro Vaux

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. All necessary books equipment can be purchased at Diagon Alley If you wish, Hagrid can assist you in gathering these supplies. We await your owl no later than 31 July.

Please make your way to King's Cross Station and onto platform 9 3/4 where you will board the Hogwarts express. The Train departs at 11 am sharp. Term begins on 1 September.


In the envelope was a second letter with all the items i would need for the Term for the year.

I was so excited. It's Fuckin harry potter. I'm going to Hogwarts! Any Harry potter fan's dream! I am gonna kick Noseless's ass and learn so much shit at the same time! I am so excited!

--The next day--

"Mom! I'm going to the forest with gaara and kaguya!" I yell out as i leave the house. Honestly, despite what anyone says, Its nice having parents. I remember reading some comments on a fanfiction back in my first life where the guy said that the parents hold the Character back. If i have to trade some extra training for parents, Ill do that anyday.

I head out to where We all first woke up. I guess i have some explaining to do.

We meet in the forest and i see them both with happy smiles. I guess finally having parents that love you unconditionally is such a nice feeling.

"Kaguya! Gaara! How was your night last night? Did you get your Hogwarts acceptance letters?" to which they both respond yes.

"This world is going to be so much fun. Don't worry ill explain it as we go." They nod.

"Now you guys dont have to do this but i'm going to. I want to limit myself from using jutsu or ninja arts as it wouldn't be any fun if we just bulldozed through any enemy with forces of nature. I want to beat all my enemies with the spells of this world. But that limit will instantly come off if my life is in danger. What about you guys?"

They nod and say that they will limit themselves too.

--Timeskip 13 years--








--Timeskip till three weeks before school--

Shopping time! Onwards to diagon alley! First stop, Wands!

"Hello? Mr, Ollivander?" My mother calls out. Gaara's and Kaguya's parents had to work at the ministry, so my mother offered to take them along with me. Our families are close so it was cool with them. Y'know, its been like three months, but this woman has shown me nothing but unconditional love. I have begun to see her as my real mother. I think the same is for gaara and Kaguya.

I see a ladder roll out and hit the edge with a loud *Pop!* It seems Mr Ollivander was trying to scare us. To bad Kaguya is pretty much a god, and gaara and i are trained killers.

He frowns at not being able to scare us but comes over anyways.

"I see you are here for your first wands. It feels like yesterday when i sold you your first wand." he says to my mother.

He points to Kaguya first and tells her to come up.

He tries a few wands.

"Hmm, Ashwood and dragon heartstring for a core." He says as he hands her the 12th wand she has tried. "Nope not that one."

He brings out a new wand. It is reddish-brown in color.

"Hm, 16 Inch rowan wood wand with a Basilisk scale as its core." When kaguya grabbed that wand there was a glow like in the movie.

"It seems you are a protective person with a strong personality Miss Kaguya." said ollivander.

"Next Gaara." My mother says.

Gaara got his wand on his first try.

"13 Inch cedar wood with a chimera horn core. You Mr Gaara, are very loyal but mischievous"

Finally my turn.

"Next kuro." my mother says.

I walk up to ollivander.

He looks at me curiously before going into the back to grab a wand. It took me till my seventh try to get the correct wand.

He grabs a box and looks at me with analyzing eyes. He pulls out a greyish-silver wand with a few black lines running down it. "19 Inch elder wood with thestral tail hair. Its pretty much a small staff." I grab the want with my left hand and instantly feel a connection.

"ah yes. You seemed like the type. Like the one who could conquer that wand. Elder wood is very fickle."

Mom paid the old man and we left to get other things. The cauldron, the ingredients, the robes, quills, etc. Now we get to the owl store. We walk into the store and look around for a bit. Gaara got an owl with white feathers and black spots on them. Kaguya got a brown horned owl with orange eyes.

(A.N you decide their names. Kuro will have Omonari as his animal. Nobuo just lazes around the house with his mom. The backstory behind that is kuro found them in the river one day and brought them home. He already has permission to bring omonari to hogwarts as long as she is in her small form)

They head home. Unfortunately they didn't meet any of the weasleys or harry or hermione. But that could be saved for later.


Ay this is where i end it. Ive been writing and revising for the past four hours. Its now 11:24 so im tired goodnight yall.
