"Hey Dad..." I said,as I looked at him and he approached the bed and sighed. "Lina Dear,Your mother and I are worried sick about your health. If you don't start triggering your memory, intentionally,you could get hurt. We are Just worried about that"he said,Patting my hair. I closed my eyes and was about to say something when my phone started ringing. "I looked at the time and it was 8:30pm and I was wondering who'd call me by this time. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Jeremy. "Hey Jeremy. What's the problem??"I said,after tapping on the receive button. "Lina,I know you are in the hospital but then I couldn't go to the scene without telling you." he said rushing his words. "Calm down,Jer. What's going on?? What scene??" I asked sitting up comfortably. "There's been another Murder. The same Pattern. At Attorney Allen's house." he said,calming down. "Whatt?!!!" I said and started removing the drips and everything connected to my body. "Text the address and I'll get there in 30mins." I said and I got my sneakers and ended the call. "Where are you going??" my dad said,looking at me like I had gone crazy. "Another Murder happened at Attorney Allen's house.. I have to be there,you know I'm the lead Detective in this case. I have to be there to oversee the investigation. Dad,please?" I said,looking at him pleadingly. "Okay then. Go get your job done."he said sighing. "Thanks Dad.. I'll call you" I said,grabbed my phone, kissed his cheeks and ran out of my room. "Be careful,Princess." Dad said and I looked at him and nodded. "Yes Papa." I said,and I got a cab. I looked at my phone and saw the address Jeremy had sent to me. "Wesley street please. And step on the gas while you're at it." I told him. "Yes ma'am" he said and drove off.
Author's POV.
Ambulance,Police cars,Forensic Science gathered everywhere around Allen's house. Forensics ran test,ran around with different machines,trying to detect finger prints,Foot prints. Emergency workers entered the room with Gloves and put the body on the stretcher Carefully,so that they wouldn't contaminate evidence. Attorney Allen Stood there with. different emotions. Anger,pain,Confusion,sadness. All emotion where written on his face. He stood at a point and folded his arms as he watched them take her dead body,into the Ambulance.
A detective walked you to him and asked him a Question. "Did you notice anything weird about your door or locks when you got back home?" he asked.
Allen's POV.
I looked at the Detective standing in front of him and answered simply "Not exactly..The door knobs were still in shape and nothing was wrong.. Except from blood stains on the Door knobs." "Wouldn't that mean the door was opened willingly??" he asked murmuring to himself. "Anyways,it seems your sister is one of the victims in a serial murder case." the Detective said "We will do everything to find out the murderer and bring Justice to your sister" I heard a female Voice say and we both turned to look at who said it."Celina. How'd you get here?? I thought you were stuck in the hospital till tomorrow." The male Detective beside me said to her.. Oh,The famous Detective Celina Roberts. "Oh Jeremy. You'd think I'd sit still look pretty,when another Murder has taken place in less than 72 hours of the sixth one. Give me a break."she said,rolling her eyes. "Yeah Detective Lina to the rescue." The Detective Jeremy said,and gave her a small smile.
"I'm very sorry for your loss Attorney. But it seems the first door wasn't forced open. It's two things. One,there's another door,we don't know about,but he must have discovered by stalking your sister. Or two,Your sister must have been a victim of social media Love that put her life in Jeopardy." she said to me. And then I remembered. "There is a secret door.But that Door is only known by my sister and I and The door was created in case there's a fire outbreak and we can't escape using the front door. But how could he have Known such door existed?" I asked,in surprise. Then we heard someone say "There's a door here,and the lock seems broken." We rushed there and as Detective Celina had suspected,it seems the criminal had used this door to forcefully break in and kill my sister. "We would begin the Autopsy and Other Investigations Immediately. We will need you to be at the station tomorrow as early as 8pm to give a statement." she said and put her hand in her pocket and brought out her card "one more thing. If you find anything. Anything at all that could give us any lead,Do well to call me with the number on this card." she said,and gave me her card. I collected the card from her hand and Put in my pocket. "Thank You, Detective."I said, hoarsely. "All right everyone,Let's go back to our stations" someone said from the back and everybody began to move out. Thirty minutes later,everywhere was calm and I walked into my house and looked around. The whole place looked empty and I crumbled down to the floor in tears. My eyes roamed around and i saw a picture that we both took together. I picked it up and held it to my chest,letting the tears fall.. "You shouldn't have died like that,Stella. How could you leave your older brother here like this,huh??" I said as more tears fell from my eyes. Tears was still falling from my eyes when I caught a glimpse of a Neck piece jewelry,that seem like it had been broken. I crawled it it carefully to look at it to ensure that I don't contaminate evidence. I wiped my tears and inspected it and truly,it was a Necklace. A male Necklace with a blood on it. I quickly searched my pocket and got out Detective Celina's card and punched her numbers on my phone and dialed. She picked after the third ring and said" Detective Celina speaking". "Hello Detective Celina. I seem to have found a piece of Male jewelry. Necklace to be precise. It's hook is broken,so it looks like it was dragged off the owner's neck. This might belong to the murderer!" I said,somewhat excited. "What did you say??!"she asked, sounding surprised. "There might be an evidence. This necklace could be one" I said,excited. "What??!!" she exclaimed..