
Miam Temple

Walking towards the temple, Rias decided to skip talking to the priestesses and go inside the ancient structure. As the marble was connected to this location, she decided to place it within her pocket.

As she arrived inside, she noticed a set of stairs leading down and set about walking down. She didn't notice, however, that the marble in her pocket had started to glow in a soft light.

After what felt like an hour of walking, she reached the bottom. Looking around, she noticed thick marble pillars spaced out in two rows, one on each side of the complex. Unlike the pillars outside, these were glowing in a soft light. Slowly, she began walking forward. Whispers could be heard speaking of miscellaneous things from battle plans to dinner plans. It almost seemed like people's thoughts were being projected in this space. It made her wonder whether this was these whispers were echoes of the past or the present.

Sighing, she continued forward. Deeper in, she noticed marble statues of what appeared to be great heroes with a variety of weapons. The odd thing was, they resembled heroes of various myths and legends. Finally, she approached an alter surrounded by a large blue magic formation. In the center was a small hole the size of a marble.

Realizing what she needed to do, she placed the marble in the center of the alter and watched with awe as the temple lit up. The soft glow that had previously decorated the pillars being a bright beacon of light. The statues that had previously appeared normal seemed to come to life as their eyes shown in the same color as the pillars. Circuit-like lines spread across their forms.

Suddenly a voice range in her head. "After several millennia, an heir has finally arrived to inherit my mantle."

'Heir? Seriously?' "Heir? What do you mean" Now that she thought of it, it was odd that she saw a vision of the defilement of that priestess last night. While it's a tragic event, that wouldn't have enough Karmic weight to appear on her powers without her focusing on it. Considering that she wasn't, it must have been the temple that the vision wanted her to visit. The tragedy that would happen here was just the largest concentration of karma that would occur in the next couple of days.

"Yes. You were chosen long ago. My remnant power of divinity brought you to this place." The voice stated mechanically.

"What position would I be an heir to?" She asked. 'As interesting as this is, I hope it's not something too annoying, I ran away from one such destiny already'.

"The Keeper of the Akashic Records. That is the position. It's the position of the one who directs change in an era. You possess great power. Power that will grow over time as well as the means to foresee where to direct it. With those tools and the divine authority that you would inherit, you would be the perfect inheritor of this position and the second demon god to exist."

"Demon god? There was a demon god?" She noticed that one glaring fact in his statement. While the rest was cool, she was more concerned with an aspect of history she hadn't heard of. A position above a Satan.

"Yes, the one known as the Lucifer claimed the title when he fell. He absorbed the negative aspects of the biblical god's divinity and integrated that into himself. The divinity allowed him to bestow upon 72 of his brethren the demon pillars they would become famous for. The powers they would be known for manifested as a result of specific characteristics of their personality and character.

Shocked Rias stared at the altar. The implication of this were something she didn't miss. 'I can change the fate of the devils. I'd be able to solve the issues that drove my parents to be desperate enough to sell their own daughter!'

Conviction shining through, she nodded her head.

"I would be honored to accept the position, but I have two final questions. Why was I chosen and how will I know more about the divine abilities I will acquire?"

*Chuckle* She couldn't see a face, but she swore the being was smiling. "You were chosen for your decisions that lead you here. The decision to throw away your blanket of safety to carve your destiny into your ideal. The perseverance needed to reach this point through ten years of strife. The responsibility needed to sacrifice the current form of your freedom and anonymity to prevent a potential war. These things made you worthy.

The powers that you have inherited and honed make you the ideal vessel and the growing need of the underworld for change makes this the ideal time. As for your powers, you may explore them through mediation. As the keeper of the Akashic records, you will have access to memories and knowledge beyond your conceivable imagination; your power of prophecy will make navigating the records possible. As sad as I am to say it, I did not have this power in my times, so I was more a glorified guard than a true inheritor. You will go far young Pandemos".

Without realizing it, tears were streaming down her face. She was acknowledged. Her personal struggles were praised. It would likely not be so for a while considering she would like be heading back into the fold of the aristocracy for a while, but she would enjoy it now. 'It wasn't worthless. It wasn't futile. I was able to make a positive change in my fate and it'll be helpful to other people too!'

"Thank you" *sobs* "You don't know how much I appreciate that".

"You've earned it. Now…. Place you hand on the center of the alter. The marble had received my power and will be merged into you. Once it does, it will melt into your being. This will cocoon you to facilitate the transformation for about a week.

Ria's gaze snapped up to the orb. "A week!? But, my brother should be nearby now. He'll be looking for me."

"Worry not young Pandemos, I will inform him of the necessary details should he arrive at this temple. You were planning to settle your marriage business anyways, so this will present the perfect opportunity for you."

*Sigh* "I guess you're right" Rias mumbled begrudgingly. "Besides" She smiled, dispelling the previous melancholy. "This is an opportunity too good to pass up and Diodora should be taken care of without my further intervention".

"Indeed, and even if not, he will not act within this temple; I will make sure of it, if only for your peace of mind as you go through the transformation."

Stepping forward, she placed her hand on the alter. The Circle began to glow with a light comparable to the sun. Her eyes closed and her consciousness faded as she was cocooned in tendrils of divine power leaking from the floor. A transparent barrier appeared in front of the statue closest to the stairs. It's walls preventing entry and preventing outsiders from grasping the true nature of the divine power at work.