6 Feet Under The Ground

No one gathered around those coffins seemed to be alright, even though I didn't have the slightest idea on who exactly is dead, one of the people who saved my life was in one of those coffins. 

Every time he appeared in my heart it felt like my heart was about to sink in a bloody pool but I held my tears back cause it didn't feel right to cry. Afterall all I did was crying and tears even betray me now, I kept standing looking at the crowd. I could see the pain in Nàli's eyes. I wanted to hug but even that felt inappropriate at the moment. 

Let's go then, Mr. Blade said. We need to properly say goodbye to them otherwise they won't be able to leave these words peacefully. That's when I started to wonder whether arent vampires are immortal beings that come back to life after death. 

Yuki, normally that is what happens but this is a special case. They cant be revived unless it is done by someone who knows how to bring people back from the dead.