Unreal Fate

Your highness, he led the way out of the place we were even before we sat on the throne, even though it felt bad for not sitting on it, I couldn't go against the words of the person who kept me on the throne. 

Your highness, the witches are bound to bash into the kingdom any minute, what are you going to do?

If you want to, we are even ready to protect you by keeping you somewhere far away from the kingdom. We will not have to worry about this as we have his highness Samael back with us and Lord Nàli is here with us too. 

I am sorry for your parent's death, he said politely bowing his head at Nàli. 

How did you know? 

When special things leave our lives we can feel it and what your father has done to this kingdom without anyone else knowing is beyond any kind of appreciation. 

at least that is what I think.