Rather Be

I couldn't feel his warmth anymore, his body felt ice cold. 

Hey, are you alright? I asked him, looking at his pale face. 

I turned away with tears in his eyes. Leave me alone and you will be alright forever, you can keep telling our son to hate me. I don't mind, the fact that I am his father will never change. 

Oh my god, why can't you be manly, you are like a girl whose heart got broken and look at your face you look like someone who can't hold in your emotions. 

You girls are so stupid, you all think that boys should be all tough and act all high and mighty but we have feelings too, especially we can be sensitive over something like this. 

I am not a toy that you can play with. 

Samael here listen to me, it is you who can't understand me. If you were in my shoes you could have done the same thing. All I said was that we cannot proceed with a close relationship like this. I don't want my son to feel this anyway.