"That will be very thoughtful of you, Young Lady," Juliet did not object because she had grown accustomed to Arianna showering her with small gifts.

Arianna returned to her bedroom after breakfast, locking herself in the study and packing a few of her belongings into the system space. The system provided her with a storage space of approximately five square meters, which was sufficient for her to store her belongings.

When she arrived, everything had already been prepared, including all of the documents, and the only thing left was for her to leave the duchy.

Arianna was saddened to be leaving her family, but she had no choice. She wanted to travel the world, but most of all, she wanted to see what Nadia was cooking. It wasn't a secret that the two didn't get along, but Nadia made a big deal out of simply inviting her to her eighteenth birthday banquet.

Arianna couldn't wait to face the challenge posed by that little girl.

Arianna kissed her nanny goodbye and climbed into the low-key black sedan that would transport her to the airport. Arianna was accompanied by four guards this time, two women and two men. As the car drove steadily to the airport, she enjoyed looking out the window.

When she arrived, she put on a hat and large sunglasses before confidently stepping onto the paved ground. Juliet had booked a first-class ticket for her because it was safer than an economy ticket.

If she is discovered in economy, it will not look good at the Kendall's.

Arianna was escorted to the lounge where first-class passengers can relax while they wait, and because Arianna didn't want to expose herself for this trip, her bodyguards were not wearing the Kendall family insignia.

She needed some peace and quiet, and being harassed at the airport wasn't the best way to start the day after skipping class. Arianna bought some orange juice and sat on a comfortable couch while she waited.

Some ladies in the lounge couldn't help but notice the young lady who carried herself with nobility. Her clothes, on the other hand, made them shake their heads because they didn't think a noble would travel in such attire.

Young noble ladies had a thing for reputation, so they took care of their face with everything they had. They would not go around in jeans like this young girl, implying that she is merely an imitation of nobility.

"I despise people like her!" the other lady sneered as she looked at Arianna, who was sipping her juice while reading a gossip piece about royalty.

"Pretending to be someone you're not. How can she be so brazen?"

"This proves to me that teaching our children is critical, or else they will grow up to be shameless individuals," the other one piped in, raising her voice so Arianna could hear it.

Arianna, who had been reading a magazine and had been minding her own business, couldn't help but look at the group of ladies who were staring at her with provocative eyes.

What did she do to them to deserve such a slander? She has no idea who they are, and yet they are causing her problems. She looked at her diamond-encrusted watch and saw that they would be boarding in about twenty minutes.

She needed to teach these people a lesson, but the best way to do so was to avoid approaching them because she didn't want to be perceived as someone who disrespected her elders. But wouldn't exposing her face make these ladies' faces look ashen?

Arianna was a celebrity who could be easily recognized by a child if she walked down the street with her face uncovered.

So how come the elderly don't recognize her? She slyly smiled before pulling her phone from her pocket. The ladies were terrified when they saw the dazzling phone. Such a phone was out of reach for the majority of people.

That phone appears to have been customized because no one in their right mind would sell a phone inlaid with so many gems as that one. And no one will be so audacious as to take out a phone adorned with fake gems in public. They panicked even more as they looked at each other, wondering if they had made a mistake and offended someone they weren't supposed to.

Arianna used her fingerprint to unlock her phone before opening the camera app. She decided to update her profile and post some photos of herself. She hadn't done so in a long time.

She was so preoccupied with school that she forgot to have fun. So, to face slap the ladies who were seeking her wrath, she took a couple of photos without the hat but with her shades on first, and when she felt she had taken enough, she did the unbelievable.

The ladies were staring at the young girl who was taking selfies while sitting on the couch at the time. They couldn't figure out who she was, but when she took off the shades that covered half of her face, they panicked, "it's over!"

This is what they thought when they noticed the familiar face hidden behind the shades. Why did they have to pick this prodigal ancestor out of all people to provoke? Would the duke or duchess forgo them after what they had done?

They were terrified of Arianna, but she simply sneered at them before taking more selfies of herself. She ignored them and treated them as if they were nothing more than air.

They didn't know what she was thinking or if she would retaliate by telling her family, so a confrontation was sometimes preferable. What were they going to do if she did? Didn't they just dig a grave for themselves, but they were too loud?


After that, she uploaded the photos she took, which showed the ordinary clothes she was wearing, if you don't look for the price tags.

Arianna rose to her feet and slipped her phone into her pocket. She walked straight to where the ladies were seated, but she didn't stop. As she passed, she said a few words that made the ladies shiver with fear and regret their previous actions.

Arianna chuckled as she made her way to the restroom after taking a few selfies; time had passed and she was about to board the plane, and she didn't want her bladder to be an issue.

The bodyguards gave each other a knowing look and pretended as if they didn't see anything. Their young lady was no pushover after all.