The Kendall's were concerned when they returned to Lexus after seeing Arianna's videos trending online. To think that their child had become famous all over again made Marylyn regret allowing her child to attend the birthday banquet.

Marylyn and Paulo were sitting in their bedroom, tablets in hand, browsing the internet.

"Do you think our baby is all right?" Marylyn inquired, her voice tinged with anxiety and worry.

Paulo turned to face his wife and placed the tablet on his lap. He was still in disbelief; his daughter had only been gone for a few days, but she was making headlines on a daily basis like some well-known celebrity.

He didn't mind at first, but he felt proud because his daughter was simply living her life, enjoying good food, shopping for clothes, and doing other things.

His baby was content, and that's all that mattered. He agreed to let her go to that small duchy because he believed his baby and the other little girl would bury their differences and reconcile.

It wasn't good for his baby to be alone, he wanted her to interact with other kids her age, he wanted her to mingle, so he let her go, but those people were so daring to plot against his baby that it irritated him.

"She is a strong young lady; we must believe her. She probably settled everything by now because she didn't call and ask for help," Paulo comforted his wife as he held her hand.

"I sincerely hope so, dear. I can't believe she's grown up, but dear, what do you think she meant when she said she's in love? Do you think some man out there deceived our baby once more?" Marylyn inquired, her face flushed with worry.

Paulo didn't think his wife would still ask this question because he didn't understand teenagers and his youngest had become even more of a mystery after she awoke. "I suppose we should ask her about it when she returns tomorrow. She should have learned by now not to casually give her heart away."

"I hope she doesn't get hurt this time if it's true. I don't want anything to happen to her, and I certainly don't want to go through what I went through that time. Will she be all right, dear?"

Paulo cradled his wife in his arms, remembering that time causing his heart to ache as well. He didn't want to go through the pain of losing his baby again.

He had his child when he was older, so he cherished her, and losing her was the most painful thing any of them could go through. To make matters worse, they were unable to obtain justice for her.

The other party was simply too powerful for him, and even if he stakes everything, he won't be able to harm Lucas or his family. For the first time, he despised his weakness, and he despised the fact that his duchy was ranked lower than that of his greatest foe.

Which is why, while Arianna was in the hospital, Paulo threw himself into work so that when his baby woke up, he would be able to do something, and before he could, his baby was already being so awesome on her own.

He remembered how strange his daughter had become after waking up; not only had she changed, but the change had been for the better. Strange things started to happen to him, and he noticed the same for his wife.

Their health improved dramatically, and his wife's hair returned to being lush black again. He couldn't figure out why, but he suspected it had something to do with his daughter.

"Have you noticed how our baby's fortunes have changed? Not only is she doing better, but our lazy daughter has even started her own business," Paulo said as he twirled his wife's hair.

Marylyn reflected on what her husband had just said and realized that it was true. Their baby had truly changed, and they didn't have to do anything to keep her on track.

"I guess we should let her play for a while and then ask her all about it when she returns.  Perhaps we'll hear something interesting. This new love interest has piqued my interest. I wonder if it's a prince like she promised me," Marylyn chuckled, recalling her daughter's promise.