Ruby finally let Lucas in and took her favorite flowers from him in a large bouquet. She put the flowers in a vase first, then went to the door, where she found the delivery man with her food.

She paid the delivery man and instructed him to keep the change before closing the door and proceeding to the sitting room where Lucas was seated.

She set the pizza box on the glass table and went to the kitchen, where she poured two glasses of juice before returning to the sitting room. Lucas didn't turn down the food and ate it with gusto while the two watched a movie.

They didn't say much while eating because they were too preoccupied with their next course of action now that they were in the same room.

"I apologize for behaving like a jerk," Ruby couldn't take it any longer and took the first step.

She knew that if she continued to act arrogant and proud, she would be the one who suffers, as Lucas had tried everything to cheer her up but she simply threw everything away.

"It's good that you're aware. You have to understand that things don't always go the way we want them to, and if I act like you do when things go wrong, do you think I'll still be here holding the title of young duke?" Lucas posed a question to Ruby that irked her.

Lucas was being harsh, but Ruby knew he was acting in her best interests. She had only been defeated once, but she overreacted and acted as if the world had ended.

"I will control my emotions the next time," she vowed, her teeth clenched.

"I hope you learned your lesson this time. I don't mean to hurt your feelings or anything, but Ruby, things have changed. You are my woman, future duchess, and if someone of your caliber went around personally settling every single grudge, why would we need all these people working for us?"

"You must remember that all you have to do is give an instruction, give an order, and someone will be there to do all the dirty work for you, and if you want to do things personally, make sure that you are over 100 percent certain that you will win in the end. Never jeopardize your standing or all the hard work you've put in previously because you couldn't stand an itch. Do you hear what I'm saying?"

Ruby sat there with her head bowed as Lucas lectured her. Every single word hit home, and it was only now that she realized there was no need for her to go through all of that. She should have just left everything to Nadia and gotten exactly what she wanted.

"You must remember that all you have to do is give an instruction, give an order, and someone will be there to do all the dirty work for you, and if you want to do things personally, make sure that you are over 100 percent certain that you will win in the end. Never jeopardize your standing or all the hard work you've put in previously because you couldn't stand an itch. Do you hear what I'm saying?"

Ruby sat there with her head bowed as Lucas lectured her. Every single word hit home, and it was only now that she realized there was no need for her to go through all of that. She should have just left everything to Nadia and gotten exactly what she wanted.

And if things had gone wrong, she would not be in such a precarious position as she was at the time. Nobody would have guessed she was the one driving the wedge in the background. The problem would have been resolved, but due to her impulsiveness, she had to see things through on her own and landed herself in this embarrassing situation.

"I am sorry, I will not do anything without thinking about it in the future," Ruby apologized, which made Lucas smile.

It was extremely difficult to persuade this little girl to see things the way he does, and this constantly put pressure on him.

He wanted a partner who would go through hell with him, not someone who would mess things up for him if she got a little riled up.

"That is my baby. You don't have to think about that little hussy; I promise you that one day you will exact your revenge, and I will personally assist you in doing so, but for the time being, we can't do anything about her. Do you get what I'm saying?" As he held Ruby's small hands in his, Lucas said.

Ruby nodded her head in agreement as she looked at the man who had done so much for her without her even asking.

"I'm not going to complicate things any longer. She probably has too many enemies, and I believe that someone will get her sooner or later," Ruby said, leaning in on Lucas.

Lucas felt relieved that he had managed to enlighten his obstinate fiancée, but he was also shocked when he saw and heard what happened at the banquet.

He'd be lying if he said he didn't find the new Arianna more appealing and alluring. He didn't like it when she said she had moved on and no longer had him in her heart.

That pricked his pride as a man, especially after knowing for so long that she only had him in her heart, and all of a sudden, as if trying to attract his attention like a moth, she declared those words. Who was she deceiving?

He couldn't believe she'd moved on and had someone else in her heart. He'd seen the little hussy grow up; how could he be so easily replaced? He had investigated every possible man who could be Arianna's rumored new love, but he had come up empty, as if the other person was a ghost.

He wasn't the type to accept defeat easily; until he sees it with his own eyes, he'll never believe anything the little girl said, and since she was so desperate for his attention, Lucas decided to have his first taste and then dump the little thing later.

After all, she's not going to say anything to anyone; a young lady should remain noble, and chastity was very important in this society. He was going to take everything she owned and teach her a lesson about never trampling on a man's pride like she did.

But, before he could get Arianna, he decided to pique the interest of his fiancée. He had gone days without eating meat and was no longer feeling well.

Those other losers didn't pique his interest like his own woman did. They were just boring and phony, which he despised. So, because Ruby was feeling a little emotional at the time, he decided to try his luck, and who knew the bet would pay off so well.

Ruby smiled sinisterly as she noticed Lucas' evil claws making their way into her clothes; she had missed him so much and didn't want to see him with another woman, so she decided to feed him and make sure that whenever he gets hard, the only woman he thinks of is her.

So Ruby jumped on Lucas, wrapped her arms around his neck, and leaned in for a passionate kiss, which Lucas returned with vigor. What began on the couch eventually ended up in the bedroom?

Clothes were thrown all over the house, the stench of sex filled the air, and the two bodies were entangled on the fluffy carpet as Lucas caressed Ruby's back.

"I love you, Lucas."