
(A.N. I'm doing a couple of chapters to see if people like it. If it isn't great, I'll scrap it and try a couple more chapters. If it still isn't good, then I'll try a different novel. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.)

"AHHHHHH!!!" A scream echoed throughout the back alleyway.

"Shut up. I haven't even done anything yet." An annoyed voice spoke.

The moonlight illuminated a knife in the dark. The knife then descended upon the screaming victim, killing them instantly.

"Ah, that's better." The murderer spoke.

Hours later, a detective appeared at the crime scene.

"Detective!" A voice yelled. The detective turned around to see a beautiful police woman jogging towards him, tits bouncing as she ran.

"What is it?" He asked.

"This crime scene mirrors the M.O. of the serial killer that's evaded our sights for a decade!" She spoke. Despite the grave words, the detective kept staring at her breasts that rose and fell with her breaths.

"Is that so? We probably won't get anything then. He's far too experienced. Just do the usual out of formality and wrap it up." The detective ordered.

"What? No! We should check everything for any evidence!" The police woman argued.

"Then do you want to make a bet?" The detective smiled.

"For what?" She asked.

"If you can find as much as a skin cell, I'll resign on the spot. However, if you can't, I'll ask for a favor." He smiled.

"Ok then!" The police woman spoke.

The same day, at night. The man who could be identified as the detective was filling the hot police woman to the brim.

"AH!" She moaned as her womb felt a hot liquid filled it.

"Good girl." The detective smiled.

"'s my number." She spoke between pants. After he put her number into his mobile device, she promptly fell unconscious out of exhaustion.

"This is going to be a bitch to clean up." He spoke as he looked at the sheets that were completely covered in the two's liquids.

After a while, he sat in his office, doing paperwork while thinking about the serial killer.

'The M.O. is perfection, no evidence left behind and no witnesses to speak of. No witnesses to speak of, no CCTV footage in the area the murder took place in. One strike to the throat killed the victim and there is no correlation between victims. Completely random, completely perfect.' He thought to himself.

'Good. The plan went off without a hitch. Seducing the police chief in charge of the investigation was an unexpected bonus. I'm glad that so many people hated the previous one, he was hated by everyone, so everyone was a suspect.' He thought.

'I really need to stop surrendering to my urges. Despite how good it feels to kill, it's far too dangerous.' He pondered.

The detective soon went to sleep with his new girlfriend after watching the new episode of Demon Slayer.

Despite how good of a murderer the detective was, he wasn't good enough to stop the natural forces of the universe. Once a higher power wanted him dead, there was no way to wriggle out of it.

Therefore, when a god of reincarnation found an interesting specimen, the detective just so happened to spontaneously combusted the day after he murdered somebody and investigated the crime.

The detective woke up in an unfamiliar body in a very familiar city. He was trapped in a gas mask and thick clothing with and oddly familiar crest on his chest. His previous body was extremely fit, not only to get with basically any woman, but also in order to kill efficiently. However, that body was no better than a toddler's when compared to what he felt his body could accomplish now.

He was lying on a roof in New York City. He had no clue how he went from burning to death to being a random guy in a random uniform in NYC but it was better than dying.

He looked behind him to see a door, it was unlocked. He didn't plan on staying on a roof his whole life, so he opened the door and descended the stairs of the building. After a while of descending, he opened a door. The wall next to it was labelled 69.

'Nice.' He thought.

Despite the author making a shitty joke, it didn't take away from the fact that the detective now new what floor he was on.

He opened the door with his glove-covered hands and found a luxury apartment. Everything in the apartment looked as if it was worth a fortune. The bed materials on the pink bed looked as if they were made by unicorn hairs and the clothes strewn about the room looked as if they were made from angel hairs.

The detective had stepped into the room of a rich girl. Without caring for consequences, he opened the door to the bathroom to inspect his new body.

He took off the gas mask and nearly spontaneously combusted once again. His face was that of a male idol, except any idols in the same industry with this face would go out of business. Even in fiction, the detective had never seen such an attractive face. He even felt as if he'd try to marry himself if he looked in the mirror any longer.

He then took off his clothes to inspect the rest of his body. To his surprise, his body was littered with multiple scars of varying sizes and from various different sources. Not to mention, he had a swimmer's body but surpassed the strength of a bodybuilder. Ok, maybe not that strong, but he could feel power coursing through his veins.

The last and best change was his dick.

'I never thought I'd receive a horse's dick. Thank you, gods.' He prayed to whatever deities sent him here. Who cares about what happened, his best friend just got an upgrade!

He was already pretty proud of his 8-incher in his previous life. But now, when erect, he was slightly bigger than a ruler! That's a bit more than 12!

He was going to celebrate by masturbating to the mental images of celebrities in his past life, but stopped when he looked down to the clothes he had discarded.

He stared at them for a second.

"...DEATH KORPS OF KRIEG?!?!" He yelled, forgetting the fact that he shouldn't be here.

The detective was a pretty weird guy in his past life. To begin with, he had the urge to kill every now and then, which eventually led to Kira Yoshikage becoming his favorite character, simply because he could relate to him. He didn't like torturing since the screams hurt his ears and during the early days of his killing, he targeted rapists as he despised them.

Unlike killing, if you had the urge to fuck something, there were many ways to satiate the urge. Masturbate, use a flesh light, fuck a prostitute. But no, rapists put their hands on someone who didn't want it.

He didn't have a substitute when he felt the urge to put an end to something's life. He started with animals, but they didn't do anything for him. Animals were disgusting, but they were directed by their bestial instincts. Humans however had sentience, they could think about their actions and change their minds.

On top of being a serial killer, the detective, was also a detective, what a surprise. He became a detective in order to cover up his crimes if need be. He never needed to, though since he was very good at hiding his tracks.

He gathered a lot of skills when killing. On top of those that included getting away and actually killing, he had to learn how to seduce when a corpse was just behind him and a woman started asking him for directions. He panicked, but was able to bring her back to his house where he successfully fucked her out of her mind. She was so pre-occupied with being his bitch that she didn't go where she needed to go and never notified the police that she saw him near the crime scene.

And lastly, his hobbies where games, book and movies. Anything that didn't involve worrying about being caught for his urges. One of these hobbies just so happened to be Warhammer 40k. Therefore, he knew what he was wearing.

After pondering on his last life, he put his clothes back on and searched through his pockets... absolutely nothing. Not even the Death Korps of Krieg signature shovel.

When he checked his front chest pocket, he pressed on his heart while searching around. To his utter surprise, a holographic board popped up in front of him.

'...I have a system?' He didn't know if he should be happy or sad. System's will either make you the strongest or they will completely control your life, using the fact that they can kill you at any moment as leverage to make them do whatever they want with you.

It had a couple options:





There wasn't a pop-up telling him to work out for a daily mission lest he gets punished, so he knew it wasn't Solo Leveling's system.

He tapped the status icon.

[Name: Zeta Zabul

Form: Astra Militarum (Death Korps of Krieg)


Lucius Pattern Lasgun

6 Lasgun Charge Packs

Death Korps of Krieg Uniform (Equipped)

Flak Armor

Mono Knife

M39 Entrenching Tool]

"Woah..." He unconsciously spoke out loud. Every Warhammer 40k fan wanted some weapons from 40k, they just didn't want to go into the 40k universe to retrieve it themselves.

He now also knew his new name; Zeta Zabul. He liked his previous name a bit more, but the other things he'd received from this transportation was more than enough to make up for it.

All of a sudden, he got goosebumps. His instincts as a killer and as a Death Korps of Krieg soldier molded into one single action, block, counter, thrust knife into throat.

The presence he felt behind him went from sneaky ninja to almost dead in but a second. Of course, Zeta summoned the Mono Knife and rested it at the throat of the person who tried to attack him.

'Felicia Hardy?' He questioned what he was seeing.