Felicia is Love

Felicia and Zeta snapped their heads to the owner of the obnoxious voice.

Stood in front of them, was an obese man with a disgusting curly mustache. He had a suit on which was completely covered in grease. The employees around him followed him obediently.

"Despite their appearances, there were able to pay the fee, sir." One of the employees spoke.

"I don't care if they have the money! Their presence is decreasing the prestige of this establishment!" The fat man yelled, spitting saliva as he spoke. The surrounding posh customers were enjoying the show.

Zeta looked at Felicia, his eyes asking, 'Can I please kill him?'. Her eyes replied with, 'Don't do it!'.

"Then... what should we do with them, sir?" An employee asked.

"Get them out!" He screamed.

The employees simply stood there for a bit before calling security.

'How about now?' He eyed to Felicia. '...no.' Her objections only stayed because of her normal human sympathy, otherwise she'd happily give him the go-ahead.

"Stupid bastards. Is this sabotage? Did a rival company pay these mistakes to eat here and smear out reputation?" The fatty mocked.

'Now?' Zeta really wanted him dead. '...' Felicia was pissed but didn't tell him he could just yet.

"You know what? Leave the hottie and I'll let you leave with only a broken bone. HAHAHA!" He roared.

Zeta didn't even need to gauge Felicia's reaction. He simply summoned his laspistol and revealed it to the rest of the restaurant.

"HAHAHA! Oh no! He has a toy gun!" A customer shouted in amusement.

"You said you have powerful friends?" Felicia asked with rage in her voice.

"Yeah." Zeta smiled in anticipation.

Felicia snatched the laspistol from his hands and aimed it at the fat man. Unlike the last time she shot this weapon, the pull of the trigger this time was not an accident.


The head of the annoying bastard disappeared. All of a sudden, the establishment went quiet. Everybody present were always looking down on normal people from their thrones made from the sweat and tears of the commonfolk. These people have never witnessed death outside of the news.

On the other hand, death is a common daily occurrence for the normal citizen in New York. Heroes are needed for a reason.

Nevertheless, all the rich folk that wanted to dine here tonight only to make fun of the peasants that made their way in all of a sudden started screaming. The blood seeped out from the neck of the fat man.

Thankfully, blood didn't splatter anywhere nor did skull fragments shoot out of his head. The man's head simply disappeared after all. However, the growing pool of blood was a growing cause for concern.

This was when the security entered. They were told they were kicking out some peasants, not cleaning up their boss' corpse.

Zeta texted M'Shen about the situation and exited the establishment. He held Felicia's hand and unsummoned the Laspistol before dragging her out with him. Her chest was still rising and falling as a result of taking her first kill. She didn't care much for the hand hold in this situation.

The police arrived and bordered off the crime scene with black and yellow tape. They'd never find Zeta or Felicia because of M'Shen misleading them with crumbs of information that leads nowhere.

Rather than taking advantage of the situation and taking Felicia home with him, Zeta took her to her house. She was still somewhat is shock, however, she did calm down significantly to the point where she could manually operate her breathing and calm it down.

Zeta let himself into her apartment and pulled Felicia into her bed. He hopped in with her and hugged her. He planned to do other things today, but it seems he'd have to stay with Felicia to make sure she's calm.

At first, Felicia struggled to escape from the hug, some attempts involved her trying to punch Zeta but after two minutes, she calmed down and realized he had no vile intentions. She simply accepted the hug and soon fell asleep.

'I didn't think she'd be so shaken after killing a second person...' Zeta thought on his knowledge of the Marvel universe. And much alike some readers who probably commented, 'This is her second kill' got it wrong.

It took Felicia 4 hours to finally wake up. Unfortunately, they weren't even able to eat or drink at the restaurant before the annoyance had to beg for his own death.

She woke up in the arms of a familiar handsome face. If Zeta was currently awake, he'd be able to see a blushing Felicia, a view as rare as the view on top of Mount Everest.

She tried to escape the hug out of embarrassment, but all that did was wake up the alien in her bed.

"Good morning." He smiled as he pulled her further into his hug.

"Get off me!" She struggled.

"No thanks. You're a really good pillow." He laughed.

"..." She blushed slightly.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Zeta ruined the light-hearted tone. The sooner she got it off her chest, the easier she could focus on the things that matter, like him.

"...I don't regret it." She spoke.

"You don't have to. If he didn't deserve death, I wouldn't have given you the gun." He spoke.

"Yes, you would've." Felicia retorted.

"He hit a sensitive spot, didn't he?" He asked, ignoring her retort.

"...I don't want to talk about it." Her expression darkened.

"Ok." Zeta pulled her further into the hug and once again closed his eyes. She didn't try to escape this time, simply accepting the warmth and sense of safety that his body gave.

The longer she remained in his arms, the more she hated herself. Despite how much she hated most men, it didn't change the fact that she was straight. She was straight and happily rested her head in a man's chest. Women are naturally pretty emotional, so when in Zeta's arms like this, Felicia felt her heart rise.

For perhaps the first time in her life, she got nervous around a guy.

'It doesn't help that he's attractive... fuck, and he smells good.' Felicia wanted to have a conversation with her brain to stop release all this dopamine.

Nevertheless, they remained in that position for another half an hour. It was bliss for Zeta and both torture and bliss for Felicia.

"I'll make some lunch." Zeta spoke as he released her from the hug. To his surprise, she leaned forward as he retreated for a second before she realized what she was doing and snapped back.

He smiled and left the room.

Soon enough, he returned with some bacon and eggs. He set down a plate for her to eat while in bed. He jumped into the bed as well with his own plate of breakfast. She didn't tell him to get out, progress.

Felicia took a bite of the food. It was bitter, it was disgusting. His food usually didn't taste this bad.

"..." Silence filled the room.


"...in college, I almost got raped multiple times." She admitted. Zeta didn't comment, simply allowing her to continue.

"When that guy said... that... I couldn't hold myself back..." She spoke in a sullen tone. Her expression was dark.

"I already said, that guy deserved it, and everyone else who tried that also deserves death." Zeta told her.

"Before I got sent here, my race was in a never-ending war with multiply different races. All of them including us were at various levels of evil." He spoke.

"There was this one race called the Drukhari. They may or may not have been the evillest race in the galaxy. Most men would kill themselves before they got captured by them. They would capture every inhabitant of the worlds they invaded and bring them back to their homes. The Drukhari would then rape, torture, and heal them for multiple decades on end. Doing the same to the victim's families in front of them." He continued. Felicia looked like she wanted to vomit.

"However, they had a reason to commit these atrocities. If they didn't do it to other people, they'd die and their god would do the same to them." Zeta finished. Her disgust turned to rage.

"So what? Those fuckers had a reason to try and forcibly take my virginity?" She yelled while tears began to exit her eyes.

"No. I'm saying they had a reason to do what they did. The fuckers that tried to rape you did not. The Drukhari are disgusting and deserve death but those humans deserve far worse. Don't feel bad about what you did because I plan to do the same to every person that tried to hurt you." Zeta told her. Felicia's rage dispersed immediately.

On the verge of crying, she initiated a quick hug with him. It only lasted a couple of seconds before she retreated back into a sitting position and continued to eat her food, tears still at the end of her tear ducts.

'This tastes really good.'

(A.N. Hopefully you enjoyed the wholesome ending and you didn't immediately comment 'CRINGE!@!'. If you didn't catch it, Felicia didn't get raped by anyone despite the numerous attempts. However, because she never actually got raped, she wasn't really able to do anything about it and she didn't gather the courage to kill. That's why she went into shock after killing the fat dude.)