A Couple Of Stuffs

(A.N. I was supposed to upload last night. However, I started watching Daredevil under the guise of 'research' for this novel... I couldn't stop...)

Felicia and Zeta spent time together until lunch. It was obvious to see that Felicia had become more comfortable around Zeta.

She wasn't stupid. Felicia knew she was beautiful and skilled. If she wanted to, she could be revered and crushed on as much as Natasha.

Since she knew this, when a certain male alien showed up in her house, she was always hesitant in doing anything that may get a rise out of him. She wouldn't bend over to get anything from the cupboards nor would she lean forward when talking to him. This is also why she intended to hide her Black Cat persona form him.

However, now, she was happily lying down on the couch next to Zeta. Her head rested on a pillow next to Zeta's thigh. She was still in her pajamas and was scrolling through various social media sites.

By no means was she trying to showcase how sexy she looked, however, she was good-looking enough that simply being comfortable was desirable. Her clothes could hardly contain her beauty.

Regardless, Zeta enjoyed taking in Felicia's beauty. He'd most definitely be making M'Shen get him off tonight in order to get rid of his libido.

Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, Felicia was the only source of entertainment he got today. He was still waiting on Jennifer's answer regarding training, not to mention he was still in the process of buying a training facility anyway.

Therefore, he called up M'Shen.

"Get me some information. For now, I need Wilson Fisk's location and someone who has been put into a mental asylum. He claims to be a dead guy called Danny Rand, his name should be under John something." He demanded.

"Yes, master. I'll have it done in the hour." She replied.

"Good. I'll reward you tonight." He hung up.

It seems that the incentive worked far better than he thought it would. His phone rang only 30mins later.

"I found the mental patient. His name is John Anderson. He's in Birch Psychiatric Ward. However, I couldn't find Wilson Fisk. However, there is a masked man who keeps interrogating people about the same person. There are faint traces here and there but it'll take some time for me to find him. I'm sorry." She apologized.

"No need for apologies. I'll just have to punish you as well as reward you." He said with obvious flirtation in his voice.

"Thank you, master." M'Shen replied stoically. Despite her blunt voice, excitement could be heard.

"I have to go." He walked into the living room from the balcony.

"How come?" She asked.

"It sounds like you don't want me to leave." He spoke with a smile.

"...I didn't say that." She broke eye contact.

"I have to go and save someone. Let's go on another date some time." He laughed and walked out the door. Felicia waved him goodbye.

It was a long way to Birch Psychiatric Ward and Zeta didn't have a car. Instead, he spent a full hour walking from Felicia's apartment to the institute. Along the way, sounds of gunshots and rampant crimes filled the city, in the alleyways, in the streets, it was difficult to find a place without an active crime occurring.

No wonder why New York is the hero hot spot.

Anyway, he soon makes it to the Psychiatric Ward. The outside was creepy and unsettling despite being clean and unblemished. They had a few windows that were covered by sheets but the building mostly consisted of concrete wall and bars.

He walked through the front door without hesitation. The receptionist glanced up at him.

"I'd like to see John Anderson." He spoke. It took her a couple of seconds on the computer to find who he was looking for.

"Alright. Please go to the second floor. As soon as you step out of the elevator, you'll find the visitor's room." She explained.

Zeta nodded and pressed the button to the elevator. Within a minute, he was on the second floor. The elevator door had a metal detector overhead and a couple guards scattered around.

"Visiting?" One of the guards asked.

"Yeah. John Anderson." Zeta spoke.

"Arms up." The guard demanded. He complied and raised his arms. The guard did a basic pat down to try and find anything that can be used as a weapon. Thankfully, all of his weapons were ready in his inventory.

"You're good to go." The guard spoke.

Zeta happily sat down in the visitor's seat. The guards allowed him his phone so he played some mobile games while he waited. The door eventually opened.

"Who are you?" The Iron Fist himself Danny Rand walked through the door.

"Why don't you take a seat?" Zeta spoke like Chris Hansen.

Still on edge, Danny sat down in front of him.

"I won't waste either of our time. I'm here to break you out." Zeta spoke in a whisper. Guards were still guarding the outside of the door.

"What?" He was confused.

"I'll break you out." He said again.

[New Mission: Break Danny Rand out of the Psychiatric Hospital

Description: Danny Rand has been declared insane, trying to be someone he isn't. Getting him out early will save him some torture.

Rewards: 50 points]

'That's it?' Zeta was annoyed at the severe ack of reward. He would still be 50 points away from being able to resist telepaths after this mission. 'Well, it's something, I guess.'

Zeta didn't even consider killing Danny yet. If he could appear from time to time, he can milk all the points out of him before ending his pulse.

"Why would someone I don't know break me out of here?" He asked. His guard was still up.

"Because it benefits me." Zeta replied mysteriously. He then summoned his laspistol and pointed it towards the wall. With a simple pull of the trigger, the wall had a gaping hole in the middle, much alike a black hole.

"Better get going. You need to go and get your art project in order to prove your identity." He laughed as Danny looked at the wall, then him, then the wall.

Zeta simply walked out the door. The guards obviously heard the commotion and tried to detain the man who lackadaisically walked out of the visiting room. However, a shovel sent them to the heaven gates.

Not literally though. He simply hit them into unconsciousness. No one can resist the mighty shovel.

There were many reasons that the 'Iron Fist' was a terrible show. It had as many flaws as it had good points. On one hand, the start of the series is really interesting. A start that came straight out of an anime. However, as time went on, the series only got worse and worse.

Danny Rand's personality got dragged in multiple different directions. He broke into his childhood friend's apartment and occasionally broke into the Rand Enterprises building. However, he didn't beat the shit out of the employees that keep drugging him?

He ignores the mass amounts of money he's offered and says that he wants his name not money, a good character trait. He acts like an infant almost any time he's confronted about his poor choices, bad character trait.

Zeta could only hope that his character isn't so annoying in real life. He might just have to kill him early.

[Mission Completed: Break Danny Rand out of this Psychiatric Hospital

Rewards: 50 points

Bonus: Dropping a hint on how to prove his identity.

Reward: 25 points]

'It really doesn't want me to get the Psyker ability, huh.' Zeta wanted to punch the system a couple of times.

Well, no worries. He'd get enough sooner or later.

Now, it was time for him to farm some more points. It shouldn't be too difficult to find out how far the Daredevil series has progressed based on how many cases that the Nelson and Murdoc firm has taken.

Therefore, he'd go home, flirt with Felicia some more and finish the night with some more points in the bank.

However, before he could go to Felicia's. He needed to pick up the files that M'Shen had sent him in the mail. It's a detailed report regarding all decent training facilities.

It took a while for him to get home and fish for the files in his mailbox. He successfully found them and took a quick glance at them to make sure they were the right files.

All of a sudden, a futuristic looking sword came barreling towards his skull. In a split second, Zeta's body fell to the ground, avoiding the blow.

"What the..." Zeta looked towards the culprit and instantly knew he had to actually try for this fight.

"I'm Taskmaster. And you're my stepping stone." The robot-looking guy swung his sword mid-sentence.

(A.N. I'm going to keep Taskmaster as a male. My run-ins with him on Spider-man maybe the greatest moments I ever had playing games. He's a really cool fight.)