Black Sky

10mins passed with Zeta hugging Gwen. Not for one second did her mind leave the subject of the hard object hitting her ass.

And throughout all that 10mins, not once did her mind think, 'That's disgusting'. Through this, plus the fact that she actually sat throughout it all without complaining, it could be said that the System's 'minor' affection improvement was more impactful than first suspected.

"Okay, that's enough for today." Zeta picked Gwen up and stood. He then set her down on her feet.

She separated him once she had her feet on the ground, but she couldn't help but glance at the hard object that was poking her ass for the past 10mins. She couldn't help but blush seeing how big he was. It didn't help that Zeta wasn't concerned with hiding his erection in the slightest.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." He picked up his stuff and waved at her.

"Uh... Yeah." She nodded.

Zeta left and returned to Felicia's apartment. He had something to do tonight, but in the meantime, there was no harm in spending time with her.

He spent his time brushing Felicia's platinum hair as they watched various channels on the T.V. and flirted with each other.

Of course, Felicia didn't let him leave without stealing his lips for a dozen minutes, but Zeta soon escaped her and made his way to a certain point in the city, the docks.

Obviously, no criminal activity would be happening in the most popular parts of the docks, but none happened in the barren parts either. You're basically putting up a 'please arrest me' sign when ships start visiting abandoned parts of the docks.

Therefore, these criminals bribed or killed all supervision and surrounded the area in their goons.

It just so happened that all of these goons were of the Japanese nationality and were armed to the teeth in weapons. They had firearms and the more important-looking members had katanas.

This was quite obviously The Hand.

Zeta saw this and grinned, he turned into his Necron Warrior form and waited in the shadows. Now, he just had to wait for canon to play out.

Just as he wanted, a crate was lowered onto the docks from a massive cargo carrier.

Once it was lowered, The Hand members opened up the crate to show a fragile but vicious young girl.

'What the fuck... is that Nezuko?' Zeta questioned. Seeing the bamboo acting as a gag only seemed to taunt Zeta more.

(A.N. The vote I did a while back may not have been separate from this novel after all. In Daredevil, the Black Sky was a young kid that was assassinated. However, little girls are far cuter than little boys!)

(A.N.2. I just got put on many watchlists....)

Instantly the system reacted to this.

[New Mission: Save a 'Human'

Description: Human generosity is what separates an animal from a human, save the girl.

Rewards: 250 points, Increased Charisma towards Humans, Unlock Second Quest.]

[New Mission: Kill the Girl

Description: A blind old man is fated to kill her. Douse your hands in her blood.

Rewards: Khorne Space Marine Form]

Zeta had already checked the system shop and Khorne's Space Marine form went for 1000 points. If he was already in a war against Earth, or any planet, he'd kill the little girl without any hesitation. This is because demons have an aura that corrupts. There aren't many on this planet that could resist that.

However, he was already taking over the planet from the shadows through M'Shen. He planned to get more Callidus temple assassins in the future as well, so planetary domination wasn't an issue.

On the other hand, the first quest gave something that couldn't be bought. The Khorne Space Marine form could be bought in 20 days of Zeta doing absolutely nothing, this perk however... couldn't be obtained. Not to mention it gave a second quest.

Also, it wouldn't take too long for Zeta to be making 100's of points in a day through the use of miners, refineries and factories on Mars. Stack all this on top of the fact that there seemed to be a greater mystery behind the girl that would lead to even more points, Zeta obviously chose to save. He was planning to do so even before the system intervened as the 'Black Sky' was never explored in Daredevil.

Lastly, Zeta turned his attention to the two separate missions. One which cited human compassion and the other which wanted death. The most telling aspect was that the reward for the kill was a Khorne Space Marine form. His bullshit story he told M'Shen may actually be true, the system may be incorporating the various deities from Warhammer 40k.

(A.N. Sorry that explanation went on for a while. People might think it isn't in Zeta's character to do so otherwise.)

After sorting through his thoughts, Zeta saw a man in a red suit approached the crate. All of a sudden, an arrow came flying through the air. Not allowing children to die on his watch, Matt athletically flipped and grabbed it, of course, this alerted the guards which promptly began fighting Matt while escorting Nezuko away.

They stuffed her into an armored van and swiftly began to escape. Many were left behind to deal with the Daredevil himself.

The van quickly escaped the docks. They left skid marks as they fled.


All of a sudden, they heard a bang on top of the van. A weight remained which dented the ceiling of the vehicle.

Without even speaking with one another, the members of The Hand nodded at each other and pointed their guns upwards and emptied their clips without hesitation.

What a shame that they only ever chipped some of Zeta's mechanical bones. Zeta punched downwards, his arm easily piercing through the car roof. The Hand members didn't halt their fire seeing a bony arms descend through their roof.

Ignoring the pebbles clanging against his bones, Zeta tore of a large portion of the roof and invited himself in. A couple of the criminals switched to their katanas which has as little effect as the bullets. Slashes and stabs don't work well against bones.

They earnt a good Gauss Reaper shot to their skull. In just a minute, the insides of the van were completely covered in blood. Even the innocent Nezuko was drenched in it.

After finishing off the last member of the hand, Zeta extended his bony hands towards the little girl. Her eyes turned bloodshot as she broke free from her chain restraints and tried to attack him with her newly sharpened nails.

He simply took it without flinching.

"Listen." He demanded, she looked in his eyes. "You can decide whether or not you want to kill me later. If you don't follow me, you are guaranteed to die." He spoke.

She didn't seem to listen as she continued to try and stab him with her nails. Her fingernails began chipping away as she continued to attack him. However, whenever they'd be reduced back to normal nails, it seemed to regrow.

Sighing, Zeta grabbed the back of her neck like a cat and dragged her out of the bloody van. A mechanical skeleton and berserk little girl exited the pure red van interior and left the scene.

However, the mission wasn't declared as finished yet. At this moment, his neon green eyes saw a glimmer of a sharp object travelling in the night. In a moment of sheer instinct, he raised his arm.

A sharp arrow became lodged between his forearm bones. The arrowhead managed to press up against Nezuko's delicate skin, but weren't able to penetrate it.

The berserk little girl froze for a second and looked at her back, she saw Zeta's arm block the arrow for her. All of a sudden, the angry little girl seemed to calm down. Instead of trying to kill him, she forced herself into a piggyback with him.

[Mission Complete!

Reward: 250 points, Increased Charisma with Humans]

[New Mission: House the Little Girl

Description: You have saved her, but this situation will repeat itself should you abandon her. Ensure her safety, and show your human compassion.

Rewards: 20points every day she is safe. If she is injured, that day's income is severed.

Failure Condition: She dies.]

The two of them made their way back home to Felicia. It would make for a very weird conversation. Of course, Zeta transformed back into his human form. He quickly had to explain himself to Nezuko before she tried to gouge his eyes out.

"I'm home." He announced.

"Finally, I've been horn-" She paused after seeing the little girl attached to Zeta's back. "You didn't steal somebody's kid, right?" She pleaded with him.

"The Yakuza were trying to sell her off. I thought we'd adopt her." He smiled. Despite how weak Felicia was to his charms, taking in a kid wasn't so casual.

"You didn't think to include me in this decision?" She got pissed.

"Just look how cute she is!" He pulled Nezuko from her back and presented her to Felicia. The more she maintained eye contact with Nezuko, the weaker she got.

It was obvious to see that the girl with the bamboo gag felt increasingly uncomfortable being presented like this. She had no reason to trust the woman in front of her. She felt the bamboo gag being undone by Zeta and didn't resist.

She looked identical to a normal kid if you ignored the prominent fangs in her mouth. It was only obvious when she opened her mouth, but she looked like a vampire.

"I don't have anything prepared for a kid!" Felicia panicked.

"Don't worry, I'll handle everything." Zeta spoke.