Gwen and Natasha

After the training session with Zeta, Gwen retreated to the top of the Empire State Building to calm her mind.

She could still vividly feel her mouth being invaded by Zeta's tongue, she could still feel his hands on her ass and she could still feel his erection against her pussy.

'What was I thinking?' She asked herself. Gwen knew exactly what she was getting into when Zeta first made her hug him as 'training'. She knew that it would only get more and more sexual as time went on. And she knew that she'd go again, despite doubting herself every time she left.

"Haaaa..." Gwen sighed. Her emotions and rationality clashed. She knew what she wanted, but she also knew what she valued. She knew that she'd have to sacrifice some of one aspect in order to save the other.

If she were to go out with Zeta despite being a full-time superhero, she knew that she'd fail as a girlfriend. If she were to dedicate everything to Zeta, then her city would begin to suffer.

'Well, it's not like I'll actually date him.' Gwen told herself. Thankfully, she can still attend his training sessions without dating him.

Elsewhere, Natasha could be seen in a private meeting with Nick Fury and a bunch of other S.H.I.E.L.D. directors.

"Report." Fury demanded.

"There are two main events that are a cause for concern." Natasha spoke. "To begin with, he rescued and is housing a young girl..."

"How is that a problem?" A S.H.I.E.L.D. director asked.

"No information could be found on the young girl. We even checked other countries. The only thing we have on her is a phone call between members of a mysterious organization. They called her the 'Black Sky' and spoke of her potential to become an extreme killing machine." Natasha reported.

"So, the mysterious alien saved a dangerous young girl..." A director sighed.

"Next, he came into contact with the X-Men and enrolled this young girl into Professor Xavier's school for gifted youngsters." She spoke.

"What? That fucker came into contact with them? Why didn't you report this immediately?" Fury yelled, living up to his name.

"That would be because they weren't on good terms. The first time they met, Wolverine threatened Zeta with his claws, resulting in a hostile first impression." Natasha spoke. "The next day, he met up with them once again, this time with Xavier himself showing up."

"And you continued to monitor with the risk of a telepath spotting you?" A director questioned.

"Retreating after seeing him would confirm that we know of their abilities. I emptied my mind as I continued to observe." Natasha retorted. Xavier is an extremely powerful telepath, and Natasha knew that there was a chance that he knew of her despite her caution, but she didn't need to divulge that. Her higher-ups were already pissed.

"Continue with the report." Fury ignored the other directors.

"Professor Xavier attempted to recruit Zeta into the X-men, but the alien turned the tables by making them take the 'Black Sky' instead." She spoke. "Finally, Zeta is working on seducing two new superheroes."

"..." Fury didn't respond.

"Firstly, he's made a lot of progress with Spider-woman by 'training' her in technique while making moves sexually. He's also been waiting for another hero by the name of 'She-Hulk' to bite so he can start seducing her as well." Natasha concluded.

"...That's enough for the meeting." Fury spoke while showing his back to everyone else in the room. The directors got the message and left Natasha and Fury behind.

"..." Natasha waited for him to speak.

"You already know what I'm going to say." Fury turned around and looked in Natasha's eyes.

"Yes." She replied.

"It won't be any different from any other mission, just seduce him and find out everything you can. All of his abilities, all of his knowledge." Fury spoke. "And if you do it as well as every other time, you won't even need to give him your virginity."

That was how the system seemed to fix the issue of Natasha not being a virgin in the original timeline. It just made her so irresistible that she didn't even need to use her womanhood to get what she needed for the mission.

Hearing his orders, Natasha left the room as well as the building. Her beautiful red hair waved in the air as she looked to the sky and thought to herself.

Zeta was no doubt a dangerous man. Natasha would much rather run away and restart her life in another country than make an enemy out of him under Fury's orders. Loyalty only takes somebody so far; she'd seen many give their lives in the name of S.H.I.E.L.D. only to be completely forgotten.

She knew this mission would be both the easiest and most dangerous mission she'd ever undertake. Seducing a man like Zeta would be extremely easy, especially since he'd be trying to do the same to her. The difficult part was being found out. The second she tries to make a move; Zeta would probably have already put together the fact that S.H.I.E.L.D. sent her to try and control him.

If he decides that he doesn't like that, New York would have a new alien threat. And unlike the last aliens, that their scientists have somewhat been able to work with, even Tony Stark couldn't comprehend how Zeta just spawned machinery on Mars, nor how it worked.

Nevertheless, Natasha now had to think about how she'd even start with this mission.

(A.N. Ending the chapter early because I feel this is a better end than having something else tacked on.)