Massacre - Continued

Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch stood in front of Zeta.

'I didn't expect these two to actually be in one of these big bases. From what I remember, they were in a smaller base in Sokovia, not in their headquarters...' Zeta thought to himself. 'Well... I'll deal with them after everyone else is dead.'



Another 6 people were turned into corpses. Without delay, multiple different Mutant abilities came flying towards Zeta. Fire, Acid, Wood, different elements came into contact with his armor and did absolutely nothing to it.

A couple of mutants tried to use telepathic abilities to invade Zeta's mind but...

"AHHHHH!!!!" They began screaming and running around like headless chickens. Some tore their eyes out, some scratched their skin off, some kneeled and began praying.

"O' Lord Khorne, please forgive us." A voice speaking Low Gothic entered Zeta's ears. He was surprised that they learnt a bit of his language from their trip in the void, but it didn't matter, they'd never be a threat again.

As soon as the Khorne worshipper stopped praying, he pulled out a back-up pistol and aimed it at his allies.


Two corpses hit the floor.

However, before the worshipper could continue...


Zeta took him out. He couldn't allow someone to steal his points after all. If the worshipper was actually useful, he'd consider keeping him alive, but they'd be dime a dozen the second he got a better daemon or tyrranid form.

(A.N. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm fairly certain every daemon can corrupt people, but at the current time, Zeta doesn't need an army, so he hasn't even considered using weaker forms to build one.)


Another dozen bit the dust and got added to Zeta's body count.





With only a couple more slashes of the chainsword, the enemies' numbers were reduced to the Maximoff twins and 4 others.


The Maximoff twins and two others.

Wanda has been supporting the rest of the group by using what she could to restrict Zeta's actions which didn't help much and used a couple telekinesis attacks, which were ignored by the giant lump of armor. It was also true that the Scarlet Witch hadn't been using anywhere near her full power.

The Maximoff twins watched as the suit of armor faced them, only to switch to the other two live humans in the room. One was running away, and the other tried to stand his ground. Before they had the opportunity to think about why they were being left to last, the number present in the room reduced to 4.


The one that kept running made it to the door, he slammed it open, believing that he was able to escape, when a laser melted his brain from behind.

Zeta unsummoned his laspistol and faced the Maximoff twins.

'I want Wanda, her reality bending abilities would be extremely useful. Unfortunately, this is the worst way for us to meet.' Zeta thought to himself. 'For now, I'll lightly encourage them to leave, I can acquire Wanda later.'

Pietro began running around at superspeed while Wanda summoned her red energy around her fists.

He was swiftly pushed back by a blast of red energy. A layer of blood that covered his armor had been shaken off by the attack. Zeta looked down to find that his armor had been slightly dented.

A frown formed on his face. Being overpowered felt great, having challenges didn't.

"AHHH!!!" Before Zeta could react, Pietro appeared in front of him and punched his armor. Every bone in his fist was completely shattered. Bones were sticking out all throughout his hand as he looked on in shock.

Seeing this opportunity, Zeta's massive fist held Pietro's skull. Having Pietro as a hostage could allow Zeta to start a conversation with the siblings.

However, before he could do anything, Wanda sent a red energy blast at his hand. Strong enough to weaken his grasp but not strong enough to kill Pietro should Zeta let him go.

In retaliation, Zeta send an energy blast of his own, completely unrefined and raw. However, as it was made from Warp Energy, it was able to prevent her blast of energy from proceeding.

Unfortunately, the first blast of energy was a feint of sorts. Red energy coiled around Zeta's torso and two arms.

He could use his own Warp Energy to counteract this, but his precision wasn't that great just yet and there were many ways he could fail. Therefore, Zeta simply waited as the energy pried his fingers open enough for Pietro to escape his grasp.

"*cough* *cough*" Pietro sounded like a dying dog.

"Brother, he's too strong for us. HYDRA will be destroyed by him, there's no reason to remain here." Wanda spoke to her brother.

"This is HYDRA's main base, but they won't disappear from a simple headquarters being destroyed." Pietro replied with a strained voice. Hearing the siblings conversation, Zeta interjected. He knew this was his best chance to throw a better first impression at them before they left.

"So, you two are HYDRA's toys? HYDRA's other main bases have been destroyed as well, if you want to escape, now's your time." Zeta spoke. Being owed one by Wanda would serve him well until he got the reality stone.

"...You'll let us go?" Wanda asked in suspicion.

"You both have the capabilities to leave regardless. I'm here to get rid of my enemies, not make new ones." He further explained.

"...We're in your debt." She spoke before exiting the running out of the room with her brother in her arms. He wasn't sure if she simply wasn't strong enough to use the full extent of her capabilities, or if she was drained, but either could explain why she didn't magic herself out of this place.

Nevertheless, Zeta continued onto the next floor.

Floor 18 didn't take any longer to completely annihilate than floor 17. Similarly, imagery of experiments littered the floor and every other room was a control room of some sort to locations all over the facility. Zeta even came across an officer sitting in his seat in front of monitors, controlling the traps that continually tried to end Zeta.

"What are you?" The officer asked in a heavy Russian accent. He didn't even attempt to flee or fight back.

"Does it matter?" Zeta asked as he rammed his chainsword through the officer's chest. He could almost spot the instant that his life flashed before his eyes. His corpse then fell to the floor, joining every other HYDRA agent with the displeasure of facing Zeta.

Exploring the 18th floor, Zeta was surprised to see the sheer amount of emergency exits. There was never a chance he'd be able to kill every single rat that ran through these tunnels, so he simply shrugged his blood-covered shoulders and gave up. He'd already destroyed the organization. If they tried to get revenge even after this... then the Earth would probably undergo exterminatus.

"Shall we take our leave?" Zeta swung his head back around to Wanda who nodded and Pietro who put the middle-finger up with his non-fucked up hand.

[Balance: 6,672]

(A.N. This chapter may feel a bit worse than my others, but I made a crappy story decision in this chapter initially and felt like I needed to fix it. Thankfully, I didn't immediately use the story beat so I don't need to change anything in any other chapter. If this chapter seems a bit wonky, it's because I've had to Frankenstein it.)

(A.N.2. For the number of HYDRA members, I took the number of active MAFIA members in the US alone irl and increased the number a chunk. I realize that it would make for a decently small headquarters, but I'd guess that HYDRA would try to keep their numbers somewhat small to avoid defectors.)