Chapter 11

We walked to another aisle of shelves, as I was preparing my bows so that they could shoot properly.

"What if they shoot us?" Alex nervously asked.

James chuckled, "They can't do that since they would be too injured to even move."

"Right, lol," Alex giggled, feeling relieved.

"Okay, they're coming," I quietly announced, "Get your bows ready."

I heard footsteps in the distance, as I was frantically waiting for the right time to shoot. As soon as I saw them walk in the distance, I immediately let go of the arrow, and it flew all the way towards the group. Luckily, the arrow had hit a person or two, and they screamed in pain.

"Nice shot," James complimented.

"Uhhh guys, I think Queen Mendoza is coming towards us with her gun," Alex nervously announced.

"Oh shoot!" I nervously reacted.

As I was running away from the queen, I heard a loud gunshot.

"Alex!!!" James screamed.

I stopped running, and looked back. Blood was pouring out of Alex, as James was crying for Alex to be safe.

I rushed over, and sobbed, as I was worried if Alex was going to survive.

As I continued sobbing, I heard James call the ambulance, as he was frantic if they were going to come in time. '

A moment later, a crowd of police and doctors rushed inside the basement, as the doctors carried Alex. My eyes were filled with tears, as Alex was being carried up the stairs.

"What happened, how did Alex get hurt?" Serena pondered.

"I-the criminals-" I hysterically sobbed, trying to explain what happened.

"It's ok, it's ok," Serena comforted.

"Also, how did you find James," Phoebe wondered.

"I was kidnapped and placed here by Queen Mendoza, and the rest of the criminals" James explained, "Queen Mendoza wanted Penelope back."

"Why would she want her back after she used her for money?" Serena snarled, frowning.

"I was wondering the same thing too," James agreed.

"Queen Mendoza needs to be executed when the authorities find her," Serena ranted, "She's a threat and a danger to the Mokland people."

Later in the hospital, I was frantically waiting in the lobby area, worrying if Alex is going to make it out alive.

As I was crying, I thought about all the beautiful memories I made with my favorite sibling, Alex. Even when Queen Mendoza ruled the kingdom for almost 4 years, we still never separated, and we still created memories and joy. I remember jumping with my sisters in the sand at the beach 2 years ago. We had a lot of fun, and I never forgot that time, even now. Queen Mendoza was never there for my siblings, so Serena had to mostly raise my siblings all by herself, and now she has to rule the entire city. Serena had always been a good leader. Other than that, Alex was the smarter twin, compared to Dylan. I remember the graduation ceremony 3 years ago, when Alex was only 16 (he had graduated early since he was very smart). I always loved when Alex would help me with my homework every day before he graduated from high school. The only thing is that Alex had a not-so-good relationship with Jessica, and he always used to rant that she was not supporting him in his hobbies and interests. But now, he's much better, and recently I heard Jessica got cheated on by her new boyfriend.

"You can come in," One doctor approved.

"Oh ok," I responded, while getting up from my seat.

In my head, I was constantly worrying about Alex's health and safety.

When I got in, Alex was in casts, and a ventilator was on his mouth. I was shocked and horrified, as Alex looked unconscious.

"The bullet hit his left shoulder, and he lost about 20 grams of blood," The doctor informed.

"Is he going to wake up anytime soon" I nervously asked, looking at his left shoulder.

The doctor sighed, "We don't know yet. We will just have to wait."