"Queen Mendoza," Murphy roared, "You and your gang are hereby sentenced to death row. Your execution date is January 13, 2032."
The entire crowd screamed in excitement, as people were dancing and cheering.
"Guards, take them away!" Queen Mendoza ordered.
I saw the guards handcuff them, as people kept on cheering.
"Ugh!" Queen Mendoza complained.
"Silence," One guard snapped, as they were escorted out of the courtroom.
"We did it, they're finally gone forever!" Serena exclaimed with joy.
"Woo hoo!" I yelled.
I ran over, and hugged Phoebe and Serena, as everyone was cheering.
"I am so proud of you for helping Mokland," Serena congratulated, "You are going to be just like Murphy one day."
When we arrived at the palace, I dashed to the front door, while thinking about that court session earlier today. I walked to the living room, and there was the national news playing on the TV, as my siblings looked really excited.
"Come sit with us," Alex offered.
I sat next to Alex, as the national news was explaining what happened earlier today at the courthouse. My heart was pumping with excitement, as I was in the national news, explaining what the criminals did.
"Wow, know everyone knows you," Alex dropped his jaw in shock.
"Yeah, I have a good reputation and intention for Mokland," I added.
After the criminals were on death row, Mokland slowly began to heal, as Serena's curfew orders were lifted now that the criminals are gone. Children and families began to feel a lot safer, and even Serena and Sam are also getting back together. I notice them talking to each other more, and hanging out a lot. I myself, even began to feel a lot more comfortable and safer since Serena had hired excellent guards to watch the palace. Recently, Alex had his cast off, and he was more than excited. I'm glad everything is working out in Mokland. Mokland is finally a promised town.