
Teddy touched his chest and the Teddy bear disguise wore away revealing a young boy who looked not much older than 14. He had dark black hair and sparkling blood red eyes, he was completely naked with his lower region covered with red shorts. Teddy snapped his fingers and red smoke covered his body and formed clothes on his body. He was now wearing black trousers and black hoodie that blended into tthe night.

He looked over to the corner where the men were hiding. These three men had been following Teddy and Angel the moment they left the restaurant but Teddy and Angel always stayed inside crowded places while having fun and avoiding danger at the same time.

Before they go back to Bloom Alexander mansion, they had to take care of these stalkers. Teddy looked at the street lights and they shattered leaving the moonlight as the only source of light.

The three men who had been hiding in the corner came out and saw the teen boy instead of the person in the teddy bear costume. The leader of the man hesitated and thought he had the wrong person but his eyes sparkled when he saw the little girl sleeping peacefully on the bench. Teddy followed his gaze and saw Angel. His eyes turned darker and he pursed his lips. How dare they look at his Angel with that malicious gaze.

The leader with a snake tattoo on his left hand signaled the two men behind him and they moved towards Teddy with greedy smirks on their faces. The leader put on what he thought was a scary smile ready to scare the "kid" in front of him.

"Hey kid hand over the money on you and maybe I will spare you" the other two men behind laughed when they heard his words. Their boss always used these words when he threatened other kids for money in the end he always hits them and leave them with a few broken bones. They were laughing thinking that the threat would work when they head the boy ask,"Why should i give my money to you it's mine and i worked hard to get it" The leader and his two men were shocked when they heard that. Didn't this kid fear them. One of the men pulled an army knife and pionted it at Teddy,"Just be obedient and give me the money"

"But it's not yours" Teddy insisted. He just wanted to know why these people wanted to take the money when it wasn't their's. Teddy was puzzled. So they followed them for 12 hours just for some paper?

"It will eventually be mine" the leader signaled the man with the knife and the man with the knife dashed towards Teddy ready to stab him. Teddy dodged his attack with ease. seeing that Teddy was preoccupied with his minion, the leader signaled the other man. The man moved towards the sleeping Angel and stretched his hand towards her thinking that this little girl was soo beautiful that she'll sell for more if they present her at the slave market. But before his hand could touch Angel, he heard an ear piercing scream and his head abrubtly looked to the side only to see his leader on his knees .He looked to where his leader was looking and his heart started beating and terror washed allover him threatening to break his mental state. There infront of him the boy who was supposed to be stabbed by his companion but instead he was holding the bloodied head of his companion with the negleted body melting away into red smoke. The red smoke flew under the feet of the young boy been absorbed.

Teddy threw the head to the floor and walked towards the man standing near Angel, looking at his outstretched hand that had frozed in place because of fear, his eyes completly turned red, anger and possesiveness clouding them. How dare he try to touch Angel. He pointed at the man and uttered one word


The man's body exploded on the spot. The blood and materials sprayed onto Teddy and the innocent Angel making her frown. "Ah, he soiled my clothes and made Angel frown, i shouldn't have killed him easily"

"Monster!" the leader of the gang screamed succesfully gaining attention from Teddy. Teddy looked at the man with disinterest written allover his handsome face. "Die" he uttered and the man instanly tuned to dust. Teddy loked at the mess he created and frowned when he remembered that Angel didnt like being dirty.

Teddy closed his eyes and returned to his teddy bear form he said,"Harvest" the blood allover the place turned ito red smoke and flew into his body, picking Angel up he dissappeard from the place as if he was never there.