Chapter 3

It's been 4 hours since Eric took her in the operating room and Harry has been pacing in front of its door for 4 hours too. Andrew was unable to discern his friend need to save this girl. Maybe it was all because of her, he was not able to save her and this is his way to lessen the guilt somewhat. Andrew sigh and call his friend out "Fratello! take a seat, your pacing is giving me a headache". Harry stop his pacing and look at Andrew and replied, " if you have a problem with it why don't you step outside? " Andrew walked over to his friend, put a hand on his shoulder and squeeze it in a comforting manner and said, " you don't have to worry about her. She is a fighter. Even though I don't know her but something about her running in the state she was in and able to break free from the clutches of her prisoner speaks a lot about her. She will survive it, a fighter for freedom always do." Harry gives his friend a slight smile and said, " well, I remember someone saying that she won't survive. how does the change of heart happen?" Andrew chuckles, take his hand off Harry's shoulder and start walking towards the living room. When he reaches the end of the corridor, he turned around and said to Harry in a serious tone, " don't get too close to her, don't let past overshadow your judgement." and then continue with the walk. Harry sigh and look at his friend retreating shadow and wonder will there come a time when his belief on human gets restored. Sometimes past leaves you with open wounds; wounds that only bleed not heal.