A simple talk

We sat in silence for a brief minute, the tension in the air was tight. Finally, Mr. Mullins spoke.

"What did you do to make wounds like that on Bill? Surely, if Bill said he couldn't see you punch him until he flew, you must be hiding some kind of power. Even though your parents never wanted you..." He spoke a harsh truth that I despised deep within my soul, "they also didn't leave anything to your name. So why is it that you have a watch?"

I didn't know how I was going to describe this one to Mr. Mullins. Even I hardly knew what the watch could do. And if I tried to make up a story, Mr. Mullins would see that I was lying with his chasm ability.

I had no choice but to tell the truth.

"Sir, I found this watch near my dorm room yesterday afternoon. I suspected that it was none of the other hallmates' watch, even after I asked them if it were theres," I partially lied. "I thought it would be best if I used it for school purposes. Even so sir, I haven't used much of the watch, so I hardly know what it can do."

I was playing a risky move, but I was hoping it would be enough to mess with his senses and see that it was the truth. Or so, that he thought it was the truth.

My plan had succeeded. The air smelt different for a brief moment, then he opened his eyes.

"I see that you're telling the truth," Mr. Mullins said finally, as if he were hesitating to speak it aloud. "Your aura is giving off the vibe of truth. You may return to your studies Andrew."

I immediately got up took my bag and left for the door.

"Thanks Mr. Mullins. Have a great day."

He smiled back, but when I left the room, little did I know that he knew I was telling a white lie.

'Why does he not tell the full truth? If he knows my ability, then why would he lie? Was he too afraid to answer my question properly? I don't know what he is doing...' Mr. Mullins thought, '...but I will have to keep thorough supervision over Andrew until he leaves for the U.S. Space Academy.'

I was relieved that he didn't take the watch, which I had to know more about. My curiosity had grown for it already in the short amount of time I had with it. 'Time' I thought, and again the screen popped up. This time though, there was an exclamation mark on the labels "Stats" and "Exp." First, I tapped on "Exp." to see what that did.

A message popped up in the middle of the screen.

"Daily Quest: Completed"

"Quest 'Taking down' : Completed"

"Daily Quest 'On time' : Completed"

These all seemed to be quests I had done earlier in the day. I studied them for another moment before returning back to the "home" screen. I was starting to give names to the different types of screens, such as home screen, message screen, status screen, etc.

The experience level was now 70/100, much more than the 20/100 from earlier, although the system said I was still a level one. I tapped on the label "Stats", which brought up something new.

"You have 5 extra stat point. Would you like to input them?" The watch asked.

I put 2 into strength, 2 into agility, and 1 into Chasm, mainly because I wanted to see what they did.

"Confirm?" The system asked.

"Confirm," I thought.

"Quest complete. Would you like to evolve your power watch?" The watch asked.

The thought of it evolving made me feel excited. This watch was already powerful at its basic, but if it was evolved? That would be crazy.

"Heck yeah I want it to evolve!" I yelled, but I didn't even think of what the outcomes would be if I took this path.

"I'm sorry, but you are too weak. In order to evolve, you must be at least level 1000."

'Dang,' I thought. 'Still would be cool if it could evolve.'

I was about to close out when the watch said aloud.

"Transporting to Planet Jaguer. You must level up in order to evolve."

"Wha—" I stopped dead in my tracks. A small dot was in the middle of the air, exponentially increasing in its size. Pretty soon, it was so large that it could fit an entire bus through its dark, terrifying mouth.

It was a portal. A large dark one too.

Everything around me started to almost stretch, and before I knew it, my feet were being swept from underneath me.

"Lets go kid. Your training awaits," a deep, booming voice said from behind. All I saw was a large shadow of a man take place behind me, a piercing noise that was as loud as a thunderstorm, and then, complete darkness.