Death like romance

Maddt got a spin tingling chill. The sand kept getting into her eyes. She was going blind from all the sand to the point where something explosive happened a higher power sent a huge sand storm and turned the sand discreetly to her and it kept hitting her eyes to the point where her eyes where swirling with a dark taffe of a green hypnoticly blinding spinning in her eyes.

The storm went on for days till one day Maddt could control the weather and when she did she learned a little more self control as well. She was still on the mend when she decided to get revenge on Melody for cursing her to remain here in the dunes. The Sand seemed to melt to her touch like a desert fire but more respectablelly gracefull. Against the sand the snow started to flow around her like dancing daisies the sand was now floating in the air with the snow making seem like a Concopia of white dancing dragons.


Saide Black was left aboddoned from Melody as a sister.

She wondered what she was going to do and how to raise herself since she had no family. She cried her self to sleep every night till this wolven creature stepped foot in her canopy of a cove this is where she lived the haunted hound kept her company. She would set out looking for food and extra clothes on clothing lines she could run into and steel while no one was looking she even caught a chicken once she smikered she was skilled living on her own. The hellhound was her spiritual guardian and kept her safe. Her spells kept her grounded and her element in spells where from the earth. She was a earth nymph. Soon she could make tree blossom with fruit and she could sell the mangos and Pears on market so she didn't have to be homeless any more. She sighed to herself soon she whispered to herself.

The hellhound was like proctection from whatever Melody left behind. In the afterlife the hellhound approached Melody with a message to say yes you can have your peace only if you do the work needed for spiritual enlightenment. The hellhound was intimidating. Melody could barely get any peace with working with this hellhound but yet she managed to find enternal rest.

Maddt found that since melody wasn't around no longer and she had entered another world she vowed that its not worth the effort to hurt someone but yet make some sort of compromise and grow beyond what she was capable of from there the revenged simmered into some bittersweet of jealousy but not yet as sour as envy.

Meanwhile Freyha and Mircle where on the transit escaping from the shoot out in the club. Jorde felt something sharp and craving inside her so she went for it. She kissed Mircle on the transit bus. Freyha kept still for a second then she held Freyha face gently and gave her a small yet sentimental kiss back, they giggled and went home. Yet they didnt know Syth was stalking them. But on Syth side Zaphyr was also stalking Syth. Right on his tail too. Syth needed to join the vampire academy to justify his empire. Also to claim his freedom as king. This was why he was chasing them down but he also was a little insane as well since he grew up a slave. To Ann morun. Zephyr was like back up on his side but she had to make sure she and him where on the right side of things before they started to spill out of control.

The night crawled in the vampire academy was live with action tonight with the haunted cottage was booming with activity that night. Mircle could barely get any sleep.