Chapter 3

{ Xavier Carver }

Almost as quickly as it began, school was over. "Xavier!! Xavier!!!" Footsteps sounded down the hallway to my classroom's door. Kids stared at the very loud curly haired boy running to me.

"Isaiah!" He pulled me into a hug and lifted me off my feet a little bit, "Hey bro! Happy birthday!".

"Where have you been all day?" I asked as he put me down. "Sorry, sorry, I got in trouble this morning, then my dad made me talk to my Algebra teacher during lunch about my grade. It doesn't matter though, 'cuz Lily's gonna be here soon and also it's your eighteenth birthday!!!" Most people in the hall gave him strange looks as they continued their day. He's so embarrassing. "So, are you gonna spoil anything about what we're doing today, or do I have to talk to Hunter?"

"No way, and you're not talking to Hunter about it either."

"Wait, what?" Hunter snuck up behind us clutching a binder and a few loose papers.

"You heard me, bro. You can't keep a secret, and you know it."

"Yeah, shut up. Let's go, I miss my girlfriend." Hunter ran ahead in the direction of the parking lot dragging me with him by the wrist. Isaiah shouldn't have worn his boots today, because his footsteps echoed through the school all the way to the parking lot.

Lily's car was parked near the front of the parking lot, so we only had to be in the heat for a little bit. Lily was in the drivers seat on her phone, she didn't even notice us walk up. Hunter knocked on the window causing Lily to jump and throw her phone. Hunter walked to the front seat leaving me and Isaiah to get in the back. "So, you remember how to get there?" Isaiah asked as he put his seatbelt on.

"Uh, yeah I think so." She responded as confidently as she could and started driving. The drive was pretty quiet, Hunter was finishing up his weekend homework and Isaiah was helping Lily with directions. The drive there was vaguely familiar, but I wasn't one hundred percent sure until we pulled up to a fairly run down apartment complex. We were at Isaiah's house? "We made it! You know, at first I kinda thought we wouldn't, but we did it!" Isaiah exclaimed.

"Oh shit we're here?" Hunter put his pencil down and looked up out the window.

"Yeah bro!" Isaiah seemed happy with his navigational skills, even though he lives here. Kaylen's car was parked in front of us, but other than that there were only two other cars; a van and an abandoned looking minivan.

"Alright, let's go." Lily got out of the car as quickly as possible and locked it after I got out.

"So," Isaiah began as we got in the elevator, "My dad says he's got a business trip this weekend, so the house's gonna be empty all weekend. That means your birthday is lasting all weekend bro!" He shouted the last part. "Alright I have to tell my mom, but I'm sure she won't care honestly." The lights flickered a bit on the shaky ride, but the bell finally dinged.

The hallway was dim, but thankfully it wasn't very long. Isaiah took out his keys on the way and knocked before opening it. Even though I was the last one in, the lights were still off when I walked through the door. Oh okay, I get it now.